Do you wonder why Chlorine Dioxide is demonized?
Simple math may provide a simple answer
Why does the media falsely associate CDS with "bleach" and why is any forum or publication discussing it instantly flooded with armies of trolls stoking all sorts of absurd fears?
He wants to "INJECT BLEACH"!!!!
You will DIE!!!!
You will go to PRISON!!!!
It’s INDUSTRIAL bleach!!!!
You are NOT a horse!
(ooops, sorry that last one is from a different pharma fear psyop)
First of all, you should know, that actually uttering the words “Chlorine Dioxide” out loud is like speaking The Black Speech of Middle Earth, the ancient evil Dark Tōngũe of Mordor. None say these words out loud in any news room.
“Chlorine Dioxide” is that which must not be named. It’s like saying the word Voldemort out loud.
Any newsroom funded by big pharma (which is ALL of them) will never EVER say the actual words “Chlorine Dioxide”. They will not give the product the validity or legitimacy of even possessing a name. They would rather call it a “bleaching agent”, or “toxic industrial bleach”, or whatever other inaccurate misrepresentation they can fabricate that sounds mean and scary.
So, for the safety of all I must warn you to NEVER EVER take this product internally. Don’t even say the words Chlorine Dioxide (CD). You should probably stop reading right now even and destroy this dangerous message.
If you do read on you risk destroying big pharma’s profits and stranglehold on distributing ineffective “Medicine” that keeps people sick so they need to keep coming back and purchasing even more ineffective “Medicine”.
They last thing we want to do is disrupt the gargantuan pharma and medical industrial complex keeping us all sick and enslaved to their profit model. It is much more safe and effective (for their shareholders) if you stop thinking for yourself and just do whatever your subscription based corporate medical machine mandates.
Take the damn pill sheeple! Then take a different pill to heal you from the first pill we gave you.
Considering how dangerous “Chlorine Dioxide Solution” (CDS) is, in good conscience I can only refer to any dosage amount in terms of a Human Sized Animal (HSA) dose. (I would have used sheep dosages but nowadays the meaning of the word sheep is way to close to people, so it would be confusing.)
End of warning
(read on at your own risk)
I think I can explain why CDS is demonized for HSA health uses with some simple 2nd grade math:
production cost ÷ servings produced = cost per serving
Or just,
what does it cost?
First, while there are several methods for creating CDS, in my mind, the most simple method requires the following three ingredients:
Sodium Chlorite 80% Flakes
Granular Citric Acid
Distilled Water
On Amazon you can buy 5 lbs of Sodium Chlorite 80% flakes for $75
and 5 lbs of non-gmo granular citric acid for about $20.
(distilled water is pretty cheap, sort of, we’ll come back to that)
It takes about 5 grams of EACH above dry ingredient to brew one 400 ml batch of 3000 ppm CD Solution (CDS)
Now, the simple math:
5 lbs ≈ 2267 grams
2267 (total grams in 5 lbs) ÷ 5 (grams per batch)
= 453 batches
(of 400 ml @ 3000 ppm)
1 HSA serving = 1 ml (roughly)
453 batches x 400 ml (per batch)
= 181,200 ml (or doses)
The standard HSA therapeutic daily dose is 10x servings a day diluted and spaced out once per hour. There are other protocols but this seems the most popular.
So, you can get 18,120 total DAYS of HSA treatment out of these 5 lbs
—» 18,120 days of HSA treatments!!! «—
—» $100! «—
That's a lot of HSA health for roughly $100.
You know what is REALLY funny? (I told ya I’d come back to this) Each gallon of distilled water can make about 9 batches of 400ml CDS. The dry ingredients required for brewing 9 batches costs about $2 total. Yet, the required 1 gallon of distilled water to make those 9 batches costs about $2.50.
→ The DISTILLED WATER is actually the most expensive ingredient! ←
With 5 lbs of each ingredient you would have enough raw material to distribute a significant amount of CDS amongst a small herd of HSA’s, a small city block filled with HSA’s, or even amongst a medium size congregation of HSA’s.
So, you see, $100 can keep a group of HSA’s healthy for quite a while.
Say you have 200 HSA’s
18,120 ÷ 200 = 90.6
roughly 90 days
$100 can treat 200 HSA’s for three months, which is longer than necessary to outlast the next pandemic they are cooking up at Fort Detrick.
(It also cures bird flu in poultry)
THIS is why the corrupted presstitute media (who are financial slaves to big pharma) continue to do their evil master’s bidding and gaslight everyone by falsely claiming CDS is "bLeAcH". You little sheeple don’t matter unless you are paying their bills.
One more thing:
What is the cost per day?
[cost of dry ingredients] ÷ [total day servings produced]
[$100] ÷ [18,120 days]
= $0.0055
OR about
½ ¢
Yes you read that correctly.
The cost per WHOLE day (10 servings) of HSA treatment is
You filthy unwashed sheeple can NEVER be allowed to heal yourself for that cheaply. You just shut up and be grateful the co-pay for your toxic prescription is $5 cheaper this year. That’s all you deserve. Now stay sick so we can keep suckling money off your misery.
/end sarcasm
(sometimes I send the following meme to people that don’t get my obnoxious sense of humor.)
Question, how long until Amazon removes these ingredients?
This message will self destruct.
All the best,
Thank you for this explanation.
I've seen it made before with Hydrochloric acid, so finding out that citric acid can be used is much more suitable, though it's not easy to find Sodium Chlorite for sale in the UK.
Geoff Pain has recently penned a Substack attacking Chlorine Dioxide, while others have penned theirs, explaining it's benefits.
I'm sure that many people now have no idea which information they are to trust.
There are also many "informed" people attacking Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and Methylene blue, while others again report on it's amazing benefits.
Interestingly, a batch of posts about chlorine dioxide has recently appeared on Substack. Is this a trend?