Is one of the covid death cult exposed for "Knowingly" committing crimes?
I thought we were still in the nauseating chapter of the plandemic where the guilty parties appear on morning talk shows and word vomit fake apologies about how “some mistakes were made”, or, “we REALLY tried to do the best job we could”, or, “we have learned a lot along the way” etc. Barf.
This story looks like someone jumped to the next chapter ahead of schedule. It seems to illustrate that the corrupt authorities didn’t “make mistakes”, they intentionally did everything they could to increase fear so it could be used as a tool of social control. It also looks like they planned the release of variants.
If you need a refresher a good place to review who is “Matt Hancock” can be found at the DailyMail’s search tag for him. It’s a long creepy story and they have it extensively documented.
One of the biggest scandals (until now) was that he got exposed for having an extra marital affair, at work, with someone he hired. He certainly wasn’t maintaining six feet of “stop the spread social distancing”. After putting up a fight, he resigned.
Last week, some 100,000 of his WhatsApp messages got released and they don’t look good.
Read the article at The Telegraph:
Matt Hancock's plan to ‘frighten the pants off everyone’ about Covid
If you hit a paywall you can use the 12ft link or one of the archive links.
He texts:
“When do we deploy the new variant?”
and says they will
“...frighten the pants [off] of everyone with the new strain”
This is what he was saying on camera at the time he was sending those texts.

The Telegraph has a whole series investigating this story. There is a LOT more they have found [archive]. It’s worth heading over there and doing some Sunday reading.
It was ALL lies and propaganda. No doubt the covid death cult is desperately working to find some straw man to discredit this leak.
Things like this can ignite enough outrage to spark massive investigations.
I’m hoping the Midazolam Murders get investigated. Andrew Bridgen is on the right track.

This text message leak is quite a revelation. Is this the proof that will finally break through to normies? Maybe. They say there are decades where nothing happens and then days where decades happen. We just might be entering some of those days. Buckle up. What do you think is the next leak? HCQ?
It’s not just him, it’s all of them, everywhere. They were all on the same lockstep page in terms of frightening the sheep & planning the next release