BREAKING: “Viable Nonanomalous” 6-Month-Old Fetuses Sold From Planned Parenthood Abortions to University of California, New Documents Show
Shocking! PP targeting latino community to harvest viable fetuses in exchange for the “valuable consideration” of owning any “patents” and “intellectual property” developed experimenting with them.
I have no words for this, just awful [source]
Study Registration Documents Seeking Healthy, Viable 23-Week Fetuses From Elective Abortions at Planned Parenthood Revealed in Ongoing Public Records Requests to UCSD
Contact: David Daleiden,, 949.734.0859
SAN DIEGO, Nov. 21—Never-before-seen documents released under a California public records request show Planned Parenthood supplying “viable nonanomalous” fetuses up to 23 weeks old from elective abortions to UC San Diego, as part of its contract to sell the University “proprietary” “fetal material” in exchange for the “valuable consideration” of owning any “patents” and “intellectual property” developed experimenting with them.
The shocking new admissions begin in a heavily-redacted Research Plan submitted to the UCSD Institutional Review Board (IRB) and approved in 2018. On page 3 of the IRB submission, the UCSD research lab writes, “We will collect tissues from fetuses ranging from 4 to 23 weeks gestational age from subjects undergoing elective surgical pregnancy termination at Planned Parenthood in San Diego” and that patients with “viable nonanomalous” fetuses will be enrolled. The majority of healthy infants born at 23 weeks can survive with modern medical care.
The IRB submission further states that clinical data collected for each subject will include “evidence of fetal heart activity by ultrasound immediately prior to the dilation and evacuation procedure”. The study sought to harvest fetuses from up to 2,500 patients.
In emails contemporaneous with the Research Plan, a harvesting worker writes, “[A]ny sample greater than about 12.5w[eeks] requires the use of a dilating medication which is given to the patients 3 hours ahead of their procedure (these are called “cyto” patients).” “Cyto” is short for Cytotec, or Misoprostol, which is the same drug used in chemical abortions to force-start labor contractions.
Some studies show a 50 microgram dose of Misoprostol is enough to induce labor by 4 hours in the majority of cases. Planned Parenthood national guidelines recommend 400 to 800 micrograms before late-term so-called “dilation and evacuation” abortions—8 to 16 times as much—and urge clinics not to allow patients to leave the clinic after taking the drugs.
“Planned Parenthood’s use of heavy doses of a labor contraction drug to dilate pregnant women targeted for a viable fetus harvesting project means these are likely not standard ‘dismemberment’ abortions, but either intact partial-birth abortions or full delivery of live preemies,” notes David Daleiden, founder and president of CMP.
Further emails suggest this is the case. Making plans to collect fetal hearts, a UCSD researcher writes to the harvesting laboratory, “Is there someone that we can coordinate with in your lab? We were unclear as to whether you bring the fetuses back to your lab for dissections or if the dissections will be done in clinic. I can have my folks who are cc’d coordinate with whomever is doing the collection.”
Documents released from the public records request earlier this year showed transfers of aborted fetuses from Planned Parenthood to UC San Diego taking place under an ongoing “Biological Materials Transfer Agreement” contract. That contract, made for “valuable consideration”, grants UCSD “access” to “fetal and placental tissue, which are proprietary materials of PPSD”. The parties agree that in granting “access” to the “proprietary” aborted fetal body parts, “PPSD shall retain all right, title, and interest in and to the Material, including but not limited to all right, title, and interest in patents and patent applications and other intellectual property rights relating to the Material”.
In March, Sen. Marco Rubio requested an investigation from the U.S. DOJ and HHS. The transfer of any aborted human fetal tissue for “valuable consideration” is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to $500,000 (42 U.S.C. 289g-2).
Disturbingly, the documents released today also show racial discrimination in what consent forms for the harvesting program tell pregnant women at Planned Parenthood. The English-language forms include 15 bullet-pointed disclosures, the thirteenth of which states: “I understand that the donated blood, tissue, or their derivatives may have significant therapeutic or commercial value. I consent to such uses.” The disclosure about “commercial value” of the patient’s aborted baby is absent from the Spanish-language forms. The documents show UCSD’s IRB approved the racially-disparate translations in at least four consecutive years, from 2017 to 2020.
“The University of California’s documents show Planned Parenthood using labor-inducing chemical abortion drugs to deliver viable, healthy preemies with ultrasound-documented heartbeats in their taxpayer-funded abortion factories—and rather than rushing those preemies to the University hospital NICU, they cut out their hearts and other body parts to sell for patent royalty-generating experiments,” states Daleiden. “These are not just the federal crimes of partial-birth abortion and selling body parts, but also of murder for hire—disparately targeted to Spanish-speaking minorities. State and federal authorities should act to protect the civil rights of mothers and infants immediately.”
Learn more about CMP at
"Selling BABIES?!" - Planned Parenthood's SHOCKING Contract Exposes Organ Harvesting Network
Vinnie brings shocking news coming out of California as new documents emerge pointing that Planned Parenthood is selling "Viable Nonanomalous" Healthy 6-month-old Preemies to the University of California, San Diego.
Prayer warriors needed for this one,
All the best,
David Daleiden has been under attack since exposing this atrocity; forced to pay PP a fine. The Thomas More Society has been providing him with legal support. He still needs our help.
Worse is coming if we don't stop from happening.