SPOX_DILEMMA (2023-03-28) Tue [killJAB]
Nashville Shooting. Bill 686, The Restrict Act, a Trojan horse for censorship and surveillance. IRS attempted to intimidate journalist. Rand Paul Staffer Stabbed. Jennifer Siebel Newsom. Lab Ebola.
Tuesday, March 28, 2023 (00:34:03)
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Links I find Interesting.
Two weeks ago on @TheView, Jane Fonda called for the murder of pro-life Americans. Now we have murders at a christian school.

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BREAKING: Nashville Police Release Surveillance Footage of Transgender Shooter Inside the School (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit
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Active shooter Audrey Elizabeth Hale drove to Covenant Church/School in her Honda Fit this morning, parked, and shot her way into the building. She was armed with 2 assault-type guns and a 9 millimeter pistol.

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Transgender alum: Police say Nashville Christian school shooter was female identifying as male | Just The News
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Nashville Metropolitan Police Chief John Drake confirmed transgender shooter left manifesto, other documentation such as maps.
Police Confirm Nashville School Shooting Suspect is 28-Year-Old Female Who Identifies as Trans-male With He/Him Pronouns - The Last Refuge
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On March 3rd, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed a law “prohibiting gender care for minors” according to CNN. On March 24th, three days ago, a biological woman who identifies as a man (trans-male) named Audrey Hale had his 28th birthday in Tennessee. On March 27th, 28-year-old Audrey Hale, (pictured left) the biological woman who identifies […]
The Patriot Act on steroids: D.C. Uniparty wants to use anti-TikTok legislation as Trojan horse for censorship and surveillance
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Beltway lawmakers are setting up a smokescreen to curtail rights.
Tucker Carlson Warns About Senate Bill 686, The Restrict Act, Framed Around TikTok But Focused on Domestic Online Censorship - The Last Refuge
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The "Restrict Act" gives the DNI the ability to tell any website using "foreign" plug-ins, widgets or software to shut down or face a criminal charge.
The Restrict Act, has very little to do with TikTok and everything to do with the United States government controlling online content. If you read the bill what you quickly discover is that congress is giving the Commerce Department and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence the power to shut down internet content they view as against their interests.
What about a VPN that is based outside of the US? Sounds like a way to track and trace. No more anonymous browsing. What about protonmail? Would that also be illegal if this bill passes?
Jim Jordan suggests IRS attempted to intimidate journalist who testified on censorship | Just The News
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While Taibbi was away from his New Jersey home, an IRS agent left a note asking that he contact the agency.
BREAKING: Rand Paul Staffer Stabbed Multiple Times with Knife in Broad Daylight | The Gateway Pundit
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Staffer for Senator Rand Paul Stabbed in DC During Daylight, 42-Year-Old Suspect Arrested Who Was Just Released from Prison - The Last Refuge
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Earlier today Senator Rand Paul released a statement: “This past weekend a member of my staff was brutally attacked in broad daylight in Washington, D.C. I ask you to join Kelley and me in praying for a speedy and complete recovery, and thanking the first responders, hospital staff, and police for their diligent actions. We […]
3,631 reports of miscarriages and fetal deaths in Europe
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More Pagina UM (Portugal) reporting on the genetic COVID vaccine adverse reactions
Horowitz: Australia bears witness to vaccine deaths - Conservative Review
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Despite everything we know about the deadly and ineffective nature of the COVID shots, our government recommends four booster doses for people as young as 6 months old. The shots have even been added to the child immunization schedule. Yet there is no protest whatsoever from the GOP establishment, i…
Jennifer Siebel Newsom reveals facial scar after skin cancer surgery https://t.co/DmEDPlGXUJ
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Turns Out, Ebola Likely Leaked From a Lab as Well
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In December 2013, Zaire Ebola hemorrhagic fever broke out in Guinea and over the next three years spread across West Africa, ultimately killing 11,323 people. It was the largest and deadliest Ebola outbreak in history
According to a paper published at the end of December 2014, the Ebola epidemic was traced back to a 2-year-old boy in Meliandou, Guinea. Supposedly, the boy had come in contact with an infected fruit bat in a hollowed-out tree. However, no Ebolavirus was ever detected in any of the bat samples collected from the area
The senior author on that 2014 paper was Fabian Leendertz, a renowned virus hunter with the Robert Koch Institute in Germany. Leendertz was also a member of the World Health Organization team that investigated the origin of COVID-19, concluding without evidence that SARS-CoV-2 was of zoonotic origin
In late October 2022, Sam Husseini and Jonathan Latham, Ph.D., published a new analysis, in which they highlighted the holes in the zoonotic origin narrative and laid out the evidence pointing to a lab leak
Curiously, many of the same individuals, companies and organizations involved in the Ebola epidemic have also been linked to the alleged creation of SARS-CoV-2
Dr. Michael Yeadon: Why Mechanical Ventilation During the COVID “Pandemic” Was Almost Always Inappropriate
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I knew the moment I heard they were putting people with alleged influenza-like illnesses on ventilators that it was a method of killing people.
COVID-19 vaccine injury to the liver: brave Ontario mother shares story of vaccine injured young boy; 22 year old young woman in Army National Guard develops liver disease 3 weeks after Pfizer vaccine
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COVID-19 Vaccine Spike protein attacks the liver Source of images: (click here) “My 22 yr old daughter Diana was diagnosed with liver disease in March 2022 three weeks after receiving the Pfizer vaccine. She was a vibrant healthy young lady in the Army National Guard until she fell severely ill.
Air Transat Flight TS739 FDF-YUL service from Fort-de-France to Montreal, Airbus A321-200: pilot incapacitated in-flight on March 18th, 2023 - 6th incident this month
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On March 18th, 2023, an Air Transat Airbus A321 was flying from Fort-de-France to Montreal when the aircraft's first officer became incapacitated. The incident occurred as the aircraft was flying over the United States, 200NM south of Montreal. (click here
Breaking: RFK, Jr. and CHD Sue Biden, Fauci for Alleged Censorship • Children’s Health Defense
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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Children’s Health Defense on Friday filed a class action lawsuit against President Biden, Dr. Anthony Fauci and other top administration officials and federal agencies, alleging they “waged a systematic, concerted campaign” to compel the nation’s three largest social media companies to censor constitutionally protected speech.
LEGAL UPDATE: Missouri v. Biden - Court Denies Government’s Motion for Dismissal
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Good news in our lawsuit challenging the federal Censorship-Industrial Complex: the court rules that the case will proceed to trial.
EXCLUSIVE: BPro-Knowink Election Software Found Across the Country Is Connected to the Internet, Not Certified and It’s Able to Backdate Election Records (Hawaii) | The Gateway Pundit
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Election experts in Hawaii can prove that Hawaii’s voter registration database has backdated entries – meaning the official registration date is older than the unique identifier given to each voter – suggesting that entries are being fabricated in the database. Experts can also prove these entries are created by an “extension” and they are all generated from a single computer.
DIRTY COPS, DIRTY MEDIA… REVEALED: Undercover Police Helped Steal Police Riot Shields and Passed Through Broken Glass Doors on Jan. 6 | The Gateway Pundit
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Largest strike in decades brings Germany to a standstill

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Airports and bus and train stations across Germany were at a standstill on Monday morning, causing disruption for millions at the start of the working week during one of the largest walkouts in decades as Europe’s biggest economy reels from inflation.
Mainstream Media’s New Obsession: Labelling Criticism of 15-Minute Cities ‘Conspiracy Theories’ – The Daily Sceptic
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Anyone questioning the imposition of 15-minute cities is stupid and dangerous, say the mainstream media, shutting down debate – the latest extreme agenda where criticism is dismissed as 'conspiracy theories'.
Europe Abandons All-Electric Car Mandate - by Igor Chudov
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Stupidity of "switch to electric" while killing power generation
UPDATE: Taliban Releases Video of Fields of US Military Vehicles, Piles of US High-End Weapons, and Room Filled with Stacks of 100 Dollar Bills Joe Biden Surrendered to Taliban | The Gateway Pundit
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Keep sharing this until everyone in the United States has watched it.
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The plan… “demoralizing” means removing morals, NOT removing morale
Confessions of a KGB Agent
Yuri Bezmenov Deception Was My Job (Complete)
Stand with Israel, not leftists imperiling her - Center for Security Policy
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In Israel, radical leftists are literally bringing the country to a standstill to stop the long-needed and reasonable judicial reforms mandated in last November’s elections.
Thank you, great spread! Just aside comment, what's with those stupid and arrogant women on "The view"?! Beyond cringe and why some very old has been feels compelled to share her thoughts? Do people really watch this rubbish?
Oh, of course they do.