SPOX_DILEMMA (2023-04-24) Mon [killJAB]
FDA "Vaccines don't need to prevent infection or transmission." 92% of COVID Deaths were among the Triple+ Vaccinated in 2022. Utter Chaos Erupts In Sudan. Darien Pathogen Gap. Cattle mutilated.
Sunday, April 23, 2023 (23:59:08)
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Links I find Interesting.
NEW — The Coalition Advocating for Adequately Labeled Medicines (CAALM) recently filed a petition requesting the FDA update product labeling for the Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines

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The FDA responded: “FDA authorization and licensure standards for vaccines do not require demonstration of the prevention of infection or transmission… Similarly, a vaccine can meet the EUA standard without any evidence that the vaccine prevents infection or transmission.”
So, if they don’t need to stop infection or transmission does the ham sandwich I just ate qualify as a vaccine? By removing the definition of vaccine and making it vague and arbitrary, the result is that everything can simultaneously qualify as a vaccine while also not qualifying as a vaccine. Unless they define vaccine rigidly and properly then I have to ask how any manufacturer can be granted liability immunity as the product can’t be verified to be the type of product that is covered with the liability clause. They could theoretically grant the same immunity to a ham sandwich. If the definition can apply to anything then the liability immunity could apply to anything, which is not the intent of the law. Either the product needs to be rigidly defined or the liability immunity needs to be revoked. Both can’t coexist. This is peak clown world lunacy.
The disturbing truth about ‘safe’ vaccines for mothers-to-be - The Conservative Woman
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Pfizer tested three versions of its jab on pregnant rats and the version with the highest failed pregnancy rate was the one given an emergency use license!
Pfizer’s data indicate that the vaccinated group suffered DOUBLE the number of failed pregnancies compared with the unvaccinated group, a higher number of congenital deformities, and trials showed the vaccine migrated to the ovaries.
In the first full month of the vaccine rollout, January 2021, a lengthy vaccine evaluation report was submitted by Pfizer to Australia’s drug regulator, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). It was not made public but was finally released this year after a Freedom of Information request (FoI) was submitted. The study was in rats and does not prove harm in humans, but raises a large red flag.
The study clearly demonstrated the vaccine did not stay at the injection site but travelled to the major organs. High concentrations were found in the ovaries , liver, adrenal glands and spleen. Authorities assured vaccine recipients that it did not migrate but as this 58-page report shows, they were lying.
Pfizer killed your Friends & Family for Profit – 92% of COVID Deaths were among the Triple+ Vaccinated in 2022 according to UK Gov. – The Expose
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The UK government has released official figures that show a shocking truth: the fully vaccinated population accounted for 92% of Covid-19 deaths throughout the entirety of 2022, and 9 in every 10 C…
Epidemic of 15-19 year olds dropping dead in schools and dorms across USA and Canada in April 2023
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There truly seems to be an epidemic of sudden deaths in schools across USA and Canada recently. Here are the most recent tragic cases: Jena, LA - 15 year old Jena High School student Kameron Shelton died in class at 11am on April 18, 2023 (click here
Barbara Loe Fisher - How Americans Prevented the COVID Jab Mandate
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March 23, 2023, Barbara Loe Fisher, cofounder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), unveiled a public Truth and Freedom monument outside the Mercola office in Cape Coral, Florida
The monument is dedicated to the casualties of one-size-fits-all mandatory vaccination policies. It also celebrates civil liberties and human rights, the first of which is the right to autonomy and protection of bodily integrity
At the center of the monument is a 7-foot-tall silvered bronze angel with a wing span of nearly 5 feet. In her upraised hand, she holds a torch, which symbolizes the light of truth. In the other arm, she cradles a baby, which symbolizes the future of humanity
Part of what has allowed the NVIC to become so effective is its Advocacy Portal, which was established in 2010 to secure and defend informed consent protections in U.S. vaccine laws. It gives you the information and tools you need to connect with your local community, and to participate in the legislative process of your state. The opposition mounted by regular people at the grassroots level in many states is what has prevented many detrimental mandatory vaccination bills from being rammed through state legislatures and turned into law over the past 13 years. This is also how we were able to stop COVID jab mandates in the U.S. in 2021 and 2022
During the COVID public health emergency declaration, government leaders and mainstream media went so far overboard with their pushing of COVID shots that they inadvertently alerted people to the potential dangers of vaccines and exposed the incestuous relationship between government agencies and Big Pharma. As a result, an estimated 50% of Americans now are asking questions and expressing doubts about the safety and effectiveness of all vaccines
Wearing Masks Can Increase The Risk Of Still Births
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Plus testicular toxicity
Vaccine injuries become the dominant theme of German reporting on the mRNA jabs, as the Covid vaccinations face unacknowledged yet ever wider cultural and social repudiation
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The number of unflattering press stories has been growing since the bivalents flopped last Fall.
Russia revives Virus scam — right on cue
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WHO says "jump", Russian government asks: "how high?"
Hersh: West Knows of Its Arms to Kiev Ending Up on Black Market
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Western countries’ weapon supplies to Ukraine show no sign of abating, with Russia warning that such deliveries will add to prolonging the conflict.
Utter Chaos Erupts In Sudan, 70 US Personnel Evacuate from Embassy
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Another country has collapsed right under Biden’s nose. On Sunday, the US military launched an emergency mission to evacuate over 70 U.S. personnel stationed in Sudan. The US personnel were picked up from the US embassy in Khartoum The evacuation comes as Sudan’s army and the paramilitary group RSF have staged several attacks against each…

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This is what the Dept of State has been telling Americans trapped in Sudan before the military evacuation today of only government personnel. Many Americans trapped in Sudan, I am told. They may not be evacuated like those at the embassy.
US Tries To Blame Russia For Sudan “Deep State” War | ZeroHedge
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The US has many reasons to push this fake news campaign, though it’s unclear whether it’ll ultimately achieve any of its envisaged objectives or not…
Matthew Bracken on Gab: “Sudan Cliff-Notes”
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“COUP plans finalized, orders given”
D’u think Ray Epps is in Sudan?
The US Is Heavily Involved In Sudan’s Renewed Turmoil, Western Media Omits This
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The armed clashes in Sudan are being presented inaccurately by MSM, leaving out the key context to understanding this conflict.
Darien Gap, Pathogen Highway to America - by Michael Yon
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This is no drill
Police: Texas Cattle That Died Mysteriously Had Their Tongues Removed
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Six cattle that died mysteriously in Texas had their tongues removed, and the hide around one side of their mouths was also gone.
Mysterious deaths of Texas cattle with tongue, genitalia cut - TheBlaze
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Officials in Texas are bewildered by several cattle that mysteriously had their tongues and genitalia removed. There was no blood or signs of struggle anywhere near the dead cattle. This week, six cattle were found dead under mysterious circumstances across Madison County, Texas. Ranchers first foun…
Alien Theory Fueled After 6 TX Cows Die Under Mysterious Circumstances
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Six cattle that were discovered dead in Texas this past week perished under incredibly mysterious circumstances – a handful of which are coming across as telltale signs of alien activity … to some believers, anyway.
What do you do when your trans agenda is failing, and nobody wants to fund your contrived fake wars? Maybe you implement project blue beam, a fake alien invasion to convince everyone they need to surrender their rights and submit to global slavery for protection from anus stealing aliens.
The EARN IT Bill Is Back, Seeking To Scan Our Messages and Photos | Electronic Frontier Foundation
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In a free society, people should not have their private correspondence constantly examined. U.S. lawmakers, we would hope, understand that individuals have the right to a private conversation without the government looking over their shoulder. So it’s dismaying to see a group of U.S. Senators…
New Instant Digital Payments System Isn’t a CBDC, Feds Say — But Critics Say It’s Still About Control • Children’s Health Defense
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The Federal Reserve pushed back against claims that its FedNow system is equivalent to a CBDC, but critics say the aim is the same: government control over the financial system.
Cooking pots banned at anti-Macron protests in France, drawing ridicule | South China Morning Post
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The move to prohibit or confiscate the items, which demonstrators used to make noise, was mocked by political opponents – as well as a French pot manufacturer.
Oklahoma county officials caught on secret audio recording talking about torturing, murdering local reporters - DC Clothesline
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(Natural News) Several county officials in McCurtain County, Oklahoma, including the sheriff, were caught on secret audio recordings plotting the murder of several local reporters. The local newspaper, McCurtain Gazette-News, recently published a story of secret audio recordings in which the county commissioner, the sheriff and two of the sheriff’s employees were caught talking about torturing, murdering and then …
Shadow Wars… (Clever, using A.I. to fight the CABAL) - by clif high
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Waking the Sleeper…
Erasing Women - American Thinker
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from the administration that can’t define “woman,” our Secretary of Transportation just announced that he will be spending $20 million dollars on female crash dummies. I mean, really, how can he tell them apart?
AOC Sparks Controversy with Call for More Regulation of Conservative News, Accuses Fox’s Tucker Carlson of ‘Inciting Violence’ - Becker News
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‘Woke’ congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortex (D-NY), known to her cult following as “AOC,” is leading a partisan call to shut down conservative viewpoints on radio and television. In an interview with former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on MSNBC, the socialist ideologue called for speech restrictions on conservative news hosts like Fox News host Tucker Carlson who she accuses of ‘Inciting Violence’
Chile Stuns Markets And EV Makers By Nationalizing Lithium Industry Overnight - GreatGameIndia
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Chile's President Gabriel Boric has stunned markets and EV makers by nationalizing the lithium industry overnight.
Revolver’s Beattie savagely destroys cowardly 60 Minutes for their feeble attempt to bury the “Fedsurrection”… - Revolver News
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60 Minutes is providing cover for the regime.