SPOX_DILEMMA (2023-04-26) Wed [killJAB]
People Die From "Symptoms". UK 75% of people incorrectly recorded as “covid deaths”. Germany: We can stop jabbing children now. Australia: Full Approval to Moderna. We Murdered People With Remdesivir.
Tuesday, April 25, 2023 (22:06:00)
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Links I find Interesting.
Exclusive: Public Health Emergency in U.S. Set to Expire May 11 — But EUA Vaccines, Liability Shields Aren’t Going Away Anytime Soon • Children’s Health Defense
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President Biden earlier this month signed a bill that immediately rescinded the COVID-19 national emergency declared in March 2020, by former President Trump. But a separate Public Health Emergency won’t expire until May 11 — and at least two other COVID-19-related federal emergencies are set to remain in effect past that date.
ONS Declares People Die From Symptoms | FudgeGate
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Throwing away the last shred of credibility into the dustbin of history, the ONS, infamous for their numerous fudges has declared that the leading cause of excess deaths are “symptoms”
Miscarriage and stillbirths - YouTube
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Lots of data is still being hidden
Shielding’ Policy for Covid Was Just “Made Up” and There’s No Evidence it Helped, Say Researchers – The Daily Sceptic
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Swansea University compared 117,000 people shielding in Wales with the rest of the population of three million. The study found deaths and healthcare usage were higher among shielding people than the general population.
Leaked New Zealand Health Data: Had the Government told the truth about vaccine harms; lives would have been saved – The Expose
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Leaked Government data from the Wellington Region in New Zealand shows the number of heart attacks resulting in hospitalisation has increased by 83%. Hospitalisation for myocarditis is up by one th…
Data from a UK hospital shows 75% of people recorded as “covid deaths” during March to June 2020 did not die from covid – The Expose
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Data from a sizeable NHS Trust suggests that in the “first wave” of the covid pandemic, there were three asymptomatic “covid deaths” for every one symptomatic covid death. The question is: ho…
How Are the COVID Shots Affecting Mothers-To-Be? - Mercola
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Compared to the flu vaccine, COVID-19 shots are associated with a significant increase in adverse events among women of reproductive age
Data revealed a 27-fold higher risk of miscarriage and a more than twofold increased risk of adverse fetal outcomes across six different categories following COVID-19 shots
COVID-19 shot contents are biodistributed into the bloodstream within hours and cross “all physiologic barriers including the maternal-placental-fetal barrier and the blood brain barriers in both the mother and the fetus”
Birth rates in multiple European countries fell significantly in the end of 2021, months after COVID-19 shots became widely utilized
Researchers have called for the immediate suspension of COVID-19 vaccination for all persons of childbearing and reproductive age_
Died suddenly - Military cadets, mandated to be fully COVID-19 vaccinated, are dying suddenly recently
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Atlanta, GA - US Marine Corps recruit Noah Evans, age 21, died suddenly during training on April 19, 2023 - 4th young Marine death in 2 years (click here) US Marine Cadet, age 18, Gabriel Puchalla died suddenly of an aortic rupture on March 10, 2023 while on base in Camp Lejeune North Carolina. (
By Calling mRNA Injections ‘COVID-19 Vaccines’ Instead of Bioweapons We’re Protecting Criminals
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When will trusted experts articulate and document how the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines do not meet the definition of a vaccine and clearly state that they are weapons of biowarfare?
German regulators revise their Covid vaccine recommendations for the 25th time, announce that we can stop jabbing children now
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STIKO (the Ständige Impfkomission), the German vaccine regulatory authority, have released a draft of their updated Covid vaccination recommendations. The document excludes healthy children under 18 years of age from vaccination, because they’re not at serious risk from infection. Of course, we’ve known this for three years, but we’ve vaccinated almost 10 million kids anyway, all to no purpose. Maybe somebody can apologise, or something.
The COVID Trojan Horse: It’s Time to Move Beyond this Diabolical Deception to Understand the Real Agenda! - Centre for Research on Globalization
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In March of 2005, I was at Ground Zero in New York City to pay my respect to the lives lost in 9/11. I used this occasion to ask those Americans around me who were also paying respect, to point me to the location of building seven. Not one person I asked was aware of a third building going down on 9/11.
The Covid Trojan Horse has tried to keep us away from the evil that is behind a transhuman agenda. An agenda that wants to reduce world population by any means and control our minds and souls. “A fusion of our physical, our biological and our digital identities”, as stated by Klaus Schwab.
Australia Ignores Growing Evidence of Harm to Grant Full Approval to Moderna mRNA Vaccine – The Daily Sceptic
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Australia has ignored the growing evidence of harm from mRNA vaccines to grant full approval to Moderna's Covid vaccine as the country ramps up its commitment to mRNA vaccine technology.
Fauci absolves himself of responsibility for lockdowns in testy interview: ‘Show me a school that I shut down’ | Fox News
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Dr. Anthony Fauci reflected on his and the government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic during an interview with the New York Times, admitting mistakes were made.
Is there a school that he DIDN’T shut down? Jail is too kind for this demon.
The greatest crime against humanity’ in history: Naomi Wolf’s 11 revelations from Pfizer vaccine documents - LifeSite
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‘So, these are monsters, and there's no way to avoid concluding that they're focused on disrupting human reproduction,’ the author conceded about the manufacturers of the COVID jab. 'It’s ‘a bioweapon and… we're under attack.’
Thread by @VigilantFox - Dr. David Martin: ‘We Murdered People’ With Remdesivir “It was so deadly that the World Health Organization itself pulled the drug from consideration for Ebola treatments.”
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@VigilantFox: .@RobertKennedyJr: "Tony Fauci Knew That Remdesivir Would Kill You" "How does it kill you?" he asked. "Kidney failure, heart failure, and all-organ collapse." "All the doctors said. You heard it again ……
BREAKING: ‘Huge Biological Risk’ After Sudan Fighters Occupy Lab – WHO
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More fear-mongering from the World Hoax Organization. Should we get ready for a scheduled "lab leak" ?
Global Digital Health Certification Network
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The WHO has recently published documents detailing how they are moving forward with a Global Digital Health Certification Network.
Dystopian Consequences of the Social Credit Score System, Digital ID, & Cashless Society that Schwab’s WEF are lobbying to put in place as part of the plan for The Great Reset – The Expose
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As critical thinkers, it is essential to remain vigilant and question the growing influence of a select few people and giant corporations in our society. This article aims to shed light on the pote…
China Seeks to Use WHO Pandemic Treaty to Expand Its Social Credit System Globally: Advocate
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According to Reggie Littlejohn, president of Women's Rights Without Frontiers, China seeks to use the WHO’s proposed amendments …
An Insider’s Guide to “Anti-Disinformation”
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Andrew Lowenthal spent more than two decades defending digital rights, and watched as peers and partner organizations switched to an opposite mission called "anti-disinformation." An inside account
Revolution of Color - The American Mind
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Let's do a little regime change, one red state at a time.
Adopted Daughter of Ray Epps Claims He Molested Her as a Teen
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Bombshell if true.
MSNBC Repeats Hamilton 68 Lies 279 Times in 11 Minutes - YouTube
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Eleven Minutes of Media Falsehoods, Just On One Subject, Just On One Station. This special report hoped to make a list of all the editors’ notes and retractions that would be needed because of the #TwitterFiles. The problem turned out to be too big to count.
Source: Racket News
VIDEO: “Multiple Voter Records Found!” - Maricopa County Voter’s Provisional Ballot Wrongfully NOT COUNTED After Check-In Finds DEAD VOTER (Roughly 8000 Uncounted Ballots Remain in Arizona) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jordan Conradson
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A new video of an Election Day failure in Maricopa County confirms that some Election Day voters were disenfranchised with canceled voter registrations and forced to cast provisional ballots that were never counted.
Paul Craig Roberts: Discord Leak Signals Nation’s END! - YouTube
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It wasn't leaked by the 21-year old airman, and its real purpose is to shift the blame for America's collapse as a global economic and military power.
Facebook Censors Seymour Hersh’s Bombshell Ukraine Reports, Citing Nina Jankowicz’s Govt-Backed ‘DisInfo’ Group.
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Seymour Hersh's recent revelations regarding Ukraine's $400 million embezzlement have been censored as "false information" by Facebook.
Thousands Rally Across Bulgaria to Demand Peace and Neutrality in Ukraine Conflict (Exclusive) - RAIR
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Protesters took to the streets demanding peace, chanting "No to War," and called for a referendum to clarify citizens' stance on Ukraine war.
Accept your poverty or you will get poorer
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Bank of England tries to shift the blame
Seventh Circuit Upholds Termination of High School Teacher Who Objected to Pronoun Policy – JONATHAN TURLEY
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There is an important ruling this month out of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, which ruled against former high school music teacher John Kluge for refusing to comply with the school’s pronoun policy for religious reasons.
The Scheme Unfolds - Florida Senate Creates Amendment Nullifying “Resign to Run” Law Specifically for DeSantis - The Last Refuge
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The depth of effort to manipulate the American electorate, to continue the Big Club objective & illusion of choice, is remarkable when you stand back and look at the totality of it. It is not surprising when you understand how committed the power centers are; in fact, it’s just another step in a predictable sequence […]
Blackrock Owns 15.1% of the Fox Corporation
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That can't be healthy
great links, thank you for putting these together!