This is VAERS ID 1535217 - Female 64, dead in 3 months
Creutzfeldt-Jakob (PRION) disease
After 2nd dose of Pfizer 4/25/21, by 5/6/2021 complaining of severe headache and showing major symptons of something neurologically wrong- extreme memory fog, confusion, headache.Was hospitalized on 5/31 for about 10 days after a 911 call complaining of a headche. Released in a worsened state. Spent 10 days at home, regressing daily. On 06/19/2021 hospitalized again, doing tests eliminating possibilities.Rapidly regressing, unable to speak full sentences, Myoclonus, loss of motor skills, Pyramidal & extrapyramidal symptoms as well as akinetic mutism. After 3 weeks undiagnosed, on 07/12/2021 LP results confirmed positive for CJD. Was released to hospice on 07/19/2021 and death on 07/22/21.