VAX_DANGER (2022-02-04) Fri [killJAB]
Mercola Artemisia Annua article, I added purchase links. BLS monumental fraud. FDA pushes Pfizer. Israel hits record daily deaths. Truckers day 6. GoFundMe steals. NBC Genocide Olympics. Klaus threat.
BLS Cooks Books to Generate January Jobs Report That No One Believes, For Good Reason - The Last Refuge
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SHADES OF OBAMA - January Job Numbers Doubled the Highest Estimate of 78 Experts - And You're Supposed to Believe This is Real
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COVID Vaccine Vial Contents Found to be Highly Toxic When Spilled – Imagine the Damage Caused When Injected - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
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Why on earth is the FDA pushing Pfizer to submit data on vaccinating kids under 5 if it wasn't ready? | Not the Bee
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Attorneys Report Medical Kidnappings of Adults Diagnosed with COVID are Increasing
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Whistleblower: Gunshot Wounds, Baby Deliveries, Car Accidents All Being Coded as “COVID” in Hospitals to Keep Federal Funding Flowing
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attempts to vilify the ottawa protesters are backfiring
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These fine ladies just showed up in Ottawa with 1,500 Polish sausages, a bunch of bread, and hundreds of doughnuts for the truckers 🙌 | Not the Bee
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Covid deaths in Israel have hit an all-time daily high. The mRNA vaccine experiment has failed. IT MUST END NOW.
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Medical Journal hints at Lawsuit against Big Tech for throttling investigation with “Fact Checking” | The Liberty Beacon
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VA Attorney General, Governor Join Parents in Lawsuit Against Mask Mandate in Disgraced Loudoun County Schools - National File
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GoFundMe has suspended a multimillion-dollar fundraiser for the Canadian freedom truckers for the second time in two weeks | Not the Bee
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German Professor Links Massive Death Spikes to Covid-19 Vaccine Campaigns
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Shaquille O’Neal Speaks Out AGAINST Mandates | The Liberty Beacon
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Special Report: Kiwi Citizens Initiate Arrest of Health Minister Andrew Little
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UPDATE: GoFundMe Labels Ottawa Freedom Protest "Unlawful Occupation", Will Not Release Funds Except to Divert to Authorized Charity Like Black Lives Matter - The Last Refuge
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Health Mandates are Collapsing Around the Globe | The Liberty Beacon
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Natural Immunity to COVID-19 Detected at 20 Months After Infection: Study
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FDA Grants Full Approval of Big Pharma’s Spike-Jab Product — Another ‘Bait-and-Switch?’ | The Liberty Beacon
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Reaching COVID-19 "Turning Point of Critical Mass": Is Nuremberg 2 Next? London Metropolitan Police Criminal Investigation - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
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Ottawa Police Chief Promises to End Freedom Protest, Deploys 150 Additional Officers and Closes Transit Arteries to Isolate Protestors - The Last Refuge
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FDA Suddenly Removes Data on Moderna Vaccine Approval, Showed Massive Heart Inflammation Increase
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I am so dang impressed with these kids who refused to wear masks at a Washington school and the remarkable young man who led them | Not the Bee
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Teddy Daniels Vows To Arrest Government Officials Who Enforce Unconstitutional Mandates - National File
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Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Severe, Deadly COVID-19: Study
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ATTACK: Klaus Schwab Declares What Is Coming Next
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California High School 'Barricaded' Unmasked Students in Unheated School Gym – RedState
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ABSURD! NewsGuard Rates OANN, Newsmax, LifeNews Less Credible than Chinese State-Run Media | Newsbusters
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Watch: Johns Hopkins Prof. Slams Media, Own Institution For Hiding Bombshell Study That Found Lockdowns Are Ineffective | ZeroHedge
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Watch: Canadian police chief wants to call in the army for this extremist behavior | Not the Bee
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Occupy Ottawa Day 6: Truckers at Alberta-Montana Border Decide to Relocate their Protest to Edmonton at Premier Jason Kenney’s Place
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Neil Young Tried to Silence Joe Rogan and Criticism of Covid Shots. Young Is Linked to Blackstone and Pfizer.
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#FreedomConvoy2022: "Step Down Trudeau" - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
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All-American company fires unvaxxed employees, asks them to sign 9-page agreement to stay silent: Report
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Letter to the Secretary of Defense from Senator Ron Johnson Ranking Member Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, following our interviews in the Senate in January 2022; vaccine harms to military
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Corona Investigative Committee: Their Grand Jury Trial Starts Tomorrow, Feb.5 | The Liberty Beacon
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Why is remdesivir being used still? How could the FDA approve this deadly drug & now we know of its liver and kidney toxicity? see this study Mulangu et al. (2019) that was stopped; high deaths
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Since when was heart trouble ‘non-serious’? - The Conservative Woman
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Transparency Failure:’ Lawmakers Criticize FDA as Key Vaccine Approval Document Remains Offline
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DOD Claims “Glitch in Database” After Attorney Exposes Skyrocketing Military Vaccine Injuries
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Breaking – Northern Ireland Solicitor Wins Legal Challenge – COVID19 vaccination programme within schools has been terminated. – The Expose
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Austrian government challenged to either prove COVID pandemic is real or end restrictions - DC Clothesline
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Freedom Convoys’ gaining steam across Europe – reports — RT World News
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Sales of Biden's Murderous Covid Treatment Remdesivir Soar to $5.6 Billion - RAIR
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EU Wants To Keep Vaccine Passports In Place For Another ENTIRE YEAR – Summit News
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El Salvador President Asks if the Destruction of United States is Done Intentionally
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The ruling elites and the governments they control have shown conclusively that they are against us, the people
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Loudoun County Ignores Rape, But Cites Maskless Students For Trespassing | MRCTV
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17-Year-Old Golfer Viggo Sorensen Dies After Suffering Sudden Cardiac Arrest and Going Into Coma
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Sweet Wormwood Again Shows Effectiveness Against COVID-19
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