VAX_DANGER (2022-07-13) Wed [killJAB]
France rejects JAB passport. Never skip a Corey's Digs. WEF in Sri Lanka. Fauci "Overly Well". Inflation. Dutch, save the moss. BabylonBee taco lol. Rapper iTunes. VAERS Foreign reports hint at fraud.
Wednesday, July 13, 2022 (17:19:02)
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Bernie’s Tweets on Twitter: “FRANCE - Macron’s Covid Passport has been defeated to massive celebrations as populist right and left parties worked together to free citizens from government control. Populism never looked to good. Bravo France” | Twitter
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FRANCE - Macron’s Covid Passport has been defeated to massive celebrations as populist right and left parties worked together to free citizens from government control.
Populism never looked to good. Bravo France 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Polls Indicate More Breakfast Tacos Leaning Republican | Babylon Bee
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Our Future Is At Stake: The Climate Agenda’s True Power & Supreme Court Ruling on EPA -
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Video: Conservative Rapper’s Song About Hunter Biden iCloud Leak Tops iTunes Charts - National File
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Whilst you were distracted by Boris resigning the UK Gov. published a report confirming Fully Vaccinated Children are 13,633% more likely to die of COVID than Unvaccinated Children – The Expose
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European Union FINALLY admits COVID-19 vaccines DESTROY your immune system - DC Clothesline
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Shinzo Abe opposed COVID vaccines and promoted ivermectin: Was he targeted for supporting health freedom?
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Professor fired for questioning COVID shots for kids sues Saskatchewan University - LifeSite
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How Vax Mandates And Red Tape Created A Critical Airline Pilot Shortage
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higher vaccine rates associated with greater rise in hospitalization
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Vaccination Increases Risk of COVID-19 Infection, But Infection Without Vaccination Gives Immunity: Study By Marina Zhang — rupreparing
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Workshop on COVID-19 Public Policies at MIT video is now available
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Fauci Likely to Birth His Own COVID Variant After Paxlovid
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Dr. Malone Warns of Immune Imprinting After Fauci Floats Second Booster Shots
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Senator: Americans Would Be ‘Shocked’ If They Saw Where COVID-19 Relief Funds Went
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Video: Swedish Study: Pfizer Jab Installs DNA into the Human Genome - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
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The Latest Fauci Contradiction on Vaccine Transmission Will Leave You Scratching Your Head
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Fauci admits that COVID-19 vaccines do not protect ‘overly well’ against infection | Fox News
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Fauci: Vaccines Don’t Protect ‘Overly Well’ Against Infection
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Rise like Lions! Why so much effort is invested in keeping everyone thoroughly propagandized | The Liberty Beacon
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Dose 3 response much like sore thumb when plotting Foreign data reports of myocarditis. | Unacceptable Jessica
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Lawsuit to Stop Retaliation by Medical Specialty Boards Filed by AAPS Educational Foundation - AAPS | Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
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It Begins: New Zealand Doctors Send Letter Asking Police to Investigate Deaths Following COVID Vaccinations
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Navy Officer who Refused COVID ‘Vaccine’ Cleared of Misconduct in Groundbreaking Legal Case
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Original Antigenic Sin: The Highly-Jabbed Are Breeding Variants and Perpetuating an Endless Pandemic
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Researchers Suspect New Variants of Rapidly Progressing Brain Degenerating Diseases From COVID-19 Vaccines
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New Documents: Major Concerns About Wuhan Lab Experiments Date Back to 2016
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June Inflation Hits 9.1 Percent, New 40-Year High
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June Inflation Jumps 1.3 Percent, Annual Inflation Rate Increases to 9.1 Percent - The Last Refuge
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Bank of Canada Raises Interest Rates 1 Percent Claiming Excess Demand in Economy is Driving Inflation - The Last Refuge
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We’ve Lost Several Hundred Jobs A Day’: Economist Finds Red Flags In Biden’s Positive Jobs Report | The Daily Caller
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Cost-Free’: Biden Admin may soon infuse the IMF with $650 billion ‘for Ukraine’
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Tucker Carlson: The Biden’s Made Millions From The Chinese Government
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Estonian PM and WEF Member Resigns | The Liberty Beacon
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Something That We Have Been Waiting For Just Happened, And It Is A Really Bad Sign… (Euro - Dollar) – Investment Watch
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Build Back Greener and the Magic Money Tree - 21st Century Wire
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Why are we feeding crops to our cars when people are starving? | George Monbiot | The Guardian
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21st Century crimes against humanity by Doug Brodie
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Climate Mandates Imposed on Dutch Farmers Will Ruin Their Livelihoods: War Correspondent
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Netherlands: Over two-thirds of jab recipients do not plan on getting boosted
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Dutch Farmers Rise Up Against Food System ‘Reset’
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The Crucial Difference Between the Fall of Sri Lanka and the Dutch Uprising
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Globalists Celebrate Their Perfectly Executed Destruction of Sri Lanka - Is Your Country Next (Video) - RAIR
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Hilarious! It looks like the World Economic Forum deleted their 2018 article about how ESG will make Sri Lanka rich by 2025 - Strange Sounds
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World Economic Forum: Save The Planet - Starve The People - News Punch
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Hunting Elites’: Armenian Citizens Rise Up Against WEF-Controled Government - News Punch
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German cities preparing heated public dorms for poor, elderly amid energy crisis - LifeSite
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Breaking: Tina Peters Challenges Colorado’s Unbelievable GOP SoS Primary Election Results – Where No-Name Zuckerberg CTCL Candidate Came Out of Nowhere, Made Up 35% Vote Deficit, and Won Primary
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San Francisco wants real-time access to private surveillance cameras
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J6 panel shuns live testimony from Trump associates, prefers to slice and dice taped depositions | Just The News
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LEAKED EMAIL Sent to The Gateway Pundit from The Unselect Committee to January 6th Defendant!! Proof the Committee and the DOJ Are EXTORTING Testimonies Out of Their Witnesses! LIZ CHENEY IS SHAMELESS!!
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Mexican President: So Many Americans Are Crossing the Border to Buy Our Cheaper Gas That We’re Doubling the Fuel Supply | CNSNews
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Story of 10-Year-Old Rape Victim Seeking Abortion Takes Another Turn
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Suspected illegal immigrant arrested for alleged rape of 10-year-old taken to Indiana for abortion - LifeSite
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Bill and Melinda Gates top up foundation with largest-ever donation — RT World News
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Bill Gates-Funded Lab, Less Than 2 Miles From Wuhan Institute, Reports Cholera Case.
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Fauci and the other lackeys of the WHO & WEF knew about disease enhancement (ADE).
Two minute Fauci video.
Thought the "unique as breakfast tacos" was a joke. But I know Jill Biden's a moron, so I searched it. NOT a joke. W O W .
Not sure if it's better or worse than Trudeau calling ordinary Canadians who hold common core values of freedom, nationalism, and body sovereignty, "anti-science, racist, misogynists with extremist fringe ideas" on a talk show.
Sociopaths and narcissists.