VAX_DANGER (2022-08-24) SPECIAL - HCQ Trump hit piece.
Pay no attention to the SADS. The stupidity of these people beggars belief.
If we could somehow extract gas from all the gaslighting put forth by this corrupt administration we would have generations of fuel.
This is just too rich to wait on. This report linked is NOT satire. It is put out by the “official” Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis.
This could potential be the rubicon of NEWSPEAK. The moment in current events where something so unbelievably outrageous and dishonest is thrust in front of people that they are shocked out of their zombie sheep walk for a long enough moment to question.
Please, I pray that every single WEF owned, pharma bought and paid for, pedo enabling, Smith-Mundt Modernized, Dinosaur propaganda outlet screeches all day at level 11 about this “official” report until their throats are so hoarse even a Trenti Mocha-Chai Frappa-Char-tini provides no comfort.
Run like the wind little demon birds. Twatter out your speak. Enough people already know that HCQ (and IVM) would have prevented nearly all of the society crushing authoritarian dictats. Uttar Pradesh. EVERYTHING in this report is projection of the crimes committed by the people who wrote the report.
Read it first and laugh, then a second time and realize yes, they actually think you are THAT stupid. Then remember there are still a few fear cult covidians who will believe this, and need to be rescued. Hugs, smiles and humor are powerful. #HugsNotMasks
New Select Subcommittee Report Uncovers Trump White House’s Extreme Pressure Campaigns Targeting FDA’s Coronavirus Response
[link] [archive] [screengrab] [FULL-pdf] [pdf-archive] [pdf-mirror]
extensive... new evidence... relentless pressure campaigns... targeting... rampant political interference... with the federal public health response... Trump White House’s embrace of a dangerous and discredited... herd immunity
Trump White House officials deliberately and repeatedly sought to bend FDA’s scientific work
the prior Administration prioritized politics over public health
Trump Administration officials undermined public health experts... plotting covertly with known conspiracy theorists to dangerously push a disproven coronavirus treatment... assaults on our nation’s public health institutions
Covertly... to Attempt to Reauthorize Hydroxychloroquine and to Fund Clinical Trials to Justify Its Use
Coordinated Secretively... Including Known Conspiracy Theorists... known extremists and prolific conspiracists like former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon, Dr. Jerome Corsi, and the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS)
“The Trump administration was trying to save lives with HCQ and we still desperately hate him for that.”
[GETTR] [GAB] [Truth] [Brighteon] [Telegram]
? Biden approved the vax.
Trump wanted the vax for the elderly and vulnerable. That was the original plan.
Biden mandated it and made it available for all age groups. Biden has been hiding the data and kept pushing it.
We knew they would eventually blame trump.
Nope. We know the INDIVIDUALS responsible for firing us, for kicking us out of school, for masking our children, for sticking people on ventilators, for pushing the removal of our freedoms. They’re not going to scapegoat this on any entity. The individuals are going to pay the piper. Nuremberg 2.0.