VAX_DANGER (2022-09-11) Sun [killJAB]
Remember 911. CDC insiders talking to Steve Kirsch. BIG > Igor breaks down new study, jab removes immunity. Dr. Vernon historical JAB dangers. Kids development issues from masks.
Sunday, September 11, 2022 (18:24:05)
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Links I find Interesting. Not much structure or strategy.
We Remember September 11, 2001 - The Last Refuge
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The anniversary of the attacks on 9-11 presents a day to reflect, remember and pay tribute to those we lost. I am sure most of us remember exactly where we were at the moment when we found out our nation was under attack. Our nation was forever changed by those moments on September 11th, 2001. […]
The Biden Regime on 9/11’s Anniversary Makes a Dark Pivot from the War on Terror to the War on MAGA - Becker News
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On a glum, overcast day in Arlington, Virginia, Joe Biden was doing his utmost in an address at the Pentagon to conjure up the dignity and solemnity requisite for a president to mark the 21st anniversary of the terror attacks on 9/11. Biden, clumsily playing the role of an elder statesman, switched haphazardly from somber… Read More »The Biden Regime on 9/11’s Anniversary Makes a Dark Pivot from the War on Terror to the War on MAGA
Two decades later, most schools aren’t required to teach students about 9/11 | Just The News
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Former NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik 'stunned' by schools' failure: Nobody should forget what happened that day.
Let’s Roll’: Remembering 9/11 21 Years Later
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September 11, 2001, began as a morning like any other crisp, early fall day in the Northeast United States. But by the time the sun set over New York, Washington, and
I now have an informant deep inside the CDC
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There are two things I was surprised to learn.
Irrefutable Proof’ That mRNA Vaccines Cause Vascular and Organ Damage: Study
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A recent study claims to have found “irrefutable proof of causality” that the mRNA vaccines cause vascular and organ damage.
Here is a summary of the findings:
mRNA vaccines don’t stay at the injection site; they instead travel throughout the body and accumulate in various organs.
mRNA-based COVID vaccines induce long-lasting expression of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in many organs.
Vaccine-induced expression of the spike protein induces autoimmune-like inflammation.
Vaccine-induced inflammation can cause grave organ damage, especially in vessels, sometimes with deadly outcomes.
International Medical Crisis Declared Due to Unprecedented Illnesses and Deaths from Covid Vaccines – The Expose
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(As reported by James Roguski yesterday morning, story going viral)
At a press conference yesterday, over 400 doctors and scientists from more than 34 countries declared an international medical crisis due to diseases and deaths associated with Covid injections. The Declaration originated among concerned medics and professionals in India from a group called the Universal Health Organisation (“UHO”).
Yes, Covid Vaccines UNSET and ERASE Natural Immunity
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The NEJM piece shows that children who had Covid and were subsequently vaccinated , were much more likely to get reinfected than their peers who also had Covid, and were NOT vaccinated.
In other words, for kids who had Covid, getting them vaccinated made them much more susceptible to reinfections. They should have stayed unvaccinated!
That means that vaccination removed natural immunity protection from previously infected children and replaced it with quickly-waning vaccine immunity.
So, to repeat:
Graph C shows decent natural immunity protection in previously infected unvaccinated children
Graph B shows an almost identical (and very poor) level of protection among previously infected vaccinated children, vs uninfected vaccinated children with almost no benefit from prior immunity remaining after vaccination.
This shows that the vaccine UNSET and REMOVED their natural immunity that they had prior to vaccination.
1100 Athletes Die From Sudden Death From 1966-2004, At Least 673 Have Died Since January 2021, Number Likely Higher
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From January 2021 to April 2022, at least 673 athletes are said to have died from sudden death. This number is only 428 deaths less than the 1100 known to have died as outlined by a study on sudden death in athletes from 1966 through 2004. Those 1101 athlete deaths occurred over almost 40 years…
CORRUPTION? Dem Governor Gave COVID Test Contract To Donor – Who Charged State Double
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New York Governor Kathy Hochul paid a New Jersey-based company $637 million for COVID tests during the Omicron wave. The company, Digital Gadgets, received up to $13 per unit – some companies charge as low as $5. The company is tied to almost $300,000 in donations to Hochul’s campaign. New York Post reported: Gov. Kathy…
Things You Should Know about Traditional Vaccines | Dr Vernon Coleman
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No one else will tell you this, but some traditional vaccinations kill and maim more people than the diseases they are supposed to prevent.
Unethical’ and up to 98 Times Worse Than the Disease: Top Scientists Publish Paradigm-Shifting Study About COVID-19 Vaccines
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A team of nine experts from Harvard, Johns Hopkins, and other top universities has published paradigm-shifting research about …
Buckle up because we’re seeing the first wave of developmental problems in COVID-era children and it’s only going to get worse as time goes on | Not the Bee
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As the years pass and this gets worse and worse (and worse), just remember: Many of us said this would happen. It was both predictable and predicted. This is not a surprise.
Be the Spark of Change. Pass it on. It starts with you.
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The millions like myself who are suffering from a vaccine injury and those who are mourning the loss of a loved one, need YOU! Those who are facing mandates or loss of a job for refusal to get jabbed, need YOU! Our children who are suffering serious physical and mental health issues from the disastrous public health policies… need YOU. We NEED each other.
Language and the Left. Medicine Has Been Redefined to Serve a Sick Master. - by Mark McDonald, M.D.
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Medicine Has Been Redefined to Serve a Sick Master. A movement is now underway on the Left to remove “pedophile” from the clinical (and cultural) lexicon and replace it with “Minor Attracted Person” or “MAP.”
Report: Medical Schools Screening out Applicants Who Are Not ‘Woke’ Enough – RedState
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Conservatives have to find a way to push back against this.
Candace Owens says Tennessee hospital DEMANDED newborn have blood drawn | Daily Mail Online
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Speaking with, Owens slammed staff at Saint Thomas Hospital in Nashville, while recounting ‘24 hours of torture’ she says she suffered after giving birth on July 13.
UPDATE: Democrat Karen Bass Says Her Guns Were Stolen from Her Home – VOTED 100% of the Time Against Gun Rights and Gun Ownership
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As reported earlier, radical California Democrat Congresswoman and candidate for Los Angeles Mayor, Karen Bass, said her home was burglarized. Karen Bass on Saturday said her home was broken into late Friday and two firearms were stolen, KTLA 5 reported. Nothing else was stolen from Congresswoman Bass’s home. According to Bass, her firearms were “safely…
TikToker Fired After Exposing How Plastic Is Getting In Pig Feed
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A TikToker in North Carolina has been given the boot after exposing a corporate pig farm in North Carolina. Emmanuel Moore, a maintenance technician at Smithfield Foods which is a Chinese-owned entity that’s the largest pork producer in the United States, took a video of pig feed being mixed with plastic. In response to Moore’s…
What the Media Won’t Tell You About KING CHARLES III
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Really Graceful has put together a 2-part series on England's new King, King Charles III, and his associations with known pedophiles and sex abusers. She also talks about his ties to the World Economic Forum, pointing out he was the first one to announce the "Great Reset."
Hal Turner Radio Show - UPS drivers threatening to strike; could hurt virtually every American
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August 4, 1997, probably doesn’t stand out as a significant day in world history. But some would disagree.
Hal Turner Radio Show - Railroad Strike Could Cripple National Supply Chain Sept. 15
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Major freight railroads, in a bid to apply pressure on unions and Congress, say a strike that could come after a key deadline passes next week would…
Astrophysicist Weather Expert: Climate is Always Changing and Has Nothing to do with Man – Climate “Scientists” are on “Gravy Train” to Secure Funds
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Astrophysicist and meteorologist weather expert Piers Corbyn was recently interviewed by a reporter in’s Moscow studio about the unusually hot weather seen in many parts of the world this year, with the reporter stating the standard corporate media line that this is a clear example of “climate change.”
17 More States (Leashed to California) Move Toward Banning Gas-Powered Vehicles
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Over one-third of U.S. states follow, by law, California’s vehicle emission standards and thus must ban internal combustion vehicles beginning 2035.
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Thanks for posting articles I have missed.