VAX_DANGER (2022-10-30) Sun [killJAB]
"The Plan". Reports, Canada Dr's jabbing unwilling surgery patients when under Anesthesia. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi technical breakdown. 800x myocarditis risk. WHO and YouTube partner for censorship.
Sunday, October 30, 2022 (14:03:42)
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Links I find Interesting. Not much structure or strategy.
THE PLAN - WHO plans for 10 years of pandemics, from 2020 to 2030 - StopWorldControl
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THE PLAN shows the official agenda of the World Health Organization to have ten years of ongoing pandemics, from 2020 to 2030. This is revealed by a WHO virologist, Marion Koopmans. You will also see
alias on Twitter: “They are “vaccinating” people against their will while they are under anesthesia for surgery in Canadian hospitals. (These are two separate conversations. Friends who work in the hospitals in Canada are sharing this information with me.) This is completely medically unethical.”
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It’s just been reported that all across Canada, anyone that goes in for surgery is being vaccinated once under anesthesia. Nurses have tried to step in and are being told to stand aside, it is being done on doctors orders.
In GSICU at the uah they have a roving covid vaccine cart and vaccinate every patient who isn’t, while they are unconscious…against their consent…
CV19 Vax Destroys Hearts & Brains of Billions of People – Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog
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Dr. Bhakdi says, “I am afraid to say it, but up until one and a half years ago, I was a scientist. Now, I see what is going on. I have to admit that the colleagues and friends of mine that have been telling me that this is genocide may be right. I don’t know, but I feel in my mind there can be no other agenda. There is no other explanation. There is no other explanation because it is clear these gene-based vaccines are not needed because we are not dealing with a killer virus that is destroying mankind. Anyone who says otherwise is obviously lying to your face. Second, it is obvious these so-called vaccines could never ever have protected against infection. . . . Third, and the worst, these gene-based vaccines are the most terrible instruments that have ever been introduced into the human body to destroy humans. . . . These vaccines are going to destroy mankind.”
CV19 Vax Destroys Hearts & Brains of Billions of People – (Hour long technical breakdown of how the COVID JAB destroys people) - Dr Sucharit Bhakdi (RUMBLE Video Link)
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There is much more in the 53-minute interview. Join Greg Hunter of as he goes one on one with world renowned microbiologist and virologist, professor Sucharit Bhakdi MD for 10.29.22. T
Study: COVID vaccine injures heart in ALL recipients
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A Swiss study found elevated levels of the protein troponin in all of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine recipients it analyzed, indicating the shots are routinely causing heart injury. Further, up to 1 in 27 of the vaccinated people in the study showed levels associated with subclinical myocarditis, the British website Daily Sceptic reported. Similarly, a…
Spike Protein Disrupting Immunity in Millions After COVID Infection or Vaccination: Here’s How It’s Being Treated
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Multiple studies have shown that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is a highly toxic and inflammatory protein, capable of …
BREAKING – UK Medicine Regulator confirms COVID-19 is Man-made & the Vaccines were created using Computer Generated DNA – The Expose
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I recently came across a fantastic email exchange between Francis Leader and the UK Medicine Regulator, the MHRA – In this exchange, the MHRA admits that as regards the Covid-19 vaccines …
Was It the Jabs? Colorado Republican Lawmaker DIES SUDDENLY and of Course No Cause of Death Has Been Released
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The ranks of vaccine skeptics are finally starting to grow again. Every day, I'm sent stories with people asking if I think these "dies suddenly" cases are the jabs. In the majority of cases, I do.
Spike Protein in COVID-19 Vaccines Triggering Cancers and Clots: Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole
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Cole said the vaccines are formulated for a strain of the virus that is extinct, but the spike protein in the injections is from the original Wuhan strain and is causing these health problems.
England suffers another 1.6k Excess Deaths in a single week bringing the total to nearly 30k Excess Deaths since April & COVID Vaccination is to blame – The Expose
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The Office for National Statistics has revealed that England and Wales suffered another record-breaking week of deaths in the week ending 14th October 2022, with an extra 1,608 people dying compare…
Oxford Study Finds Negative Vaccine Effectiveness Against Covid Hospitalisation and Death – The Daily Sceptic
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The study found that the effectiveness of the vaccines at preventing hospitalisation and death maintain a level of protection for some weeks following their administration, and then go negative at around 60-80 days post-vaccination. That means within two to three months, the vaccinated experienced a higher rate of Covid hospitalisation and death than the unvaccinated.
EXCLUSIVE: CDC Officials Told They Spread Misinformation but Still Didn’t Issue Correction: Emails
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The confirmation that the CDC officials were made aware of spreading misinformation but did nothing is “super frustrating,” Krohnert said. “I don’t understand why they don’t seem to know how to use their own resources.”
Lockdown Proponents Won’t Get Away With Pretending They Were Sceptics From the Start – The Daily Sceptic
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More than two years since the lockdowns of 2020, the political mainstream, particularly on the Left, is just beginning to
Hurt by an mRNA Injection? Doctor Offers a Way to Help
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Mainstream media outlets continue to steadfastly naysay or refuse to acknowledge the unprecedented number of people who have …
Healthy 18-Year-Old Cheerleader Dies Suddenly from ‘Pulmonary Embolism,’ Often Caused by Blood Clots: Report
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An 18-year-old North Little Rock High School senior who a family member said was in “perfect health” died suddenly Sunday evening. “She apparently had a pulmonary embolism that was just […]
Evidence Suggests the COVID Shots Are Responsible for Soaring RSV Cases Throughout the U.S. & Canada
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Watch now (5 min) | "Across the board, you see more cases of RSV in the vaccinated group than in the placebo group."
Official Mortality Data for Europe proves Covid-19 Vaccination is causing Mass Depopulation with 2022 being a record-breaking year for Deaths among all age groups including Children – The Expose
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If we are to believe that the huge increase in deaths in 2020 was because of the emergence of the alleged Covid-19 virus, then one would expect the so-called “life-saving” vaccine, that…
New Swiss Study: Covid Shots Increase Risk of Myocarditis by 800 TIMES in Young Adults
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The risk of myocarditis is 800 times higher for vaccinated than unvaccinated young adults, according to a recent Swiss study that is […] More
WHO to control Health content on YouTube & censor everything disputing Official Narrative so it can manipulate Public Opinion – The Expose
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The World Health Organisation (“WHO”) is now taking control of the content that is promoted on YouTube through a partnership with Google. The aim of the partnership is to “address the spread …
Shocking Poll: 44% of Vaccinated Australians Express Regret, 2/3 Say Measures Were Too Heavy-Handed
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Watch now (1 min) | "Not a single person said they were unvaccinated and regret the decision."
UN Given 310 Pages of Evidence to Support Claims of US/Ukraine’s Violation of Biological Weapons Convention – The Expose
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At a Formal Consultative Meeting of Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (“BTWC”) in September, UK Ambassador Aidan Liddle said, “no evidence has been presented that demonstrates any non-complia…
Neil Oliver, “Don’t Pee Down My Back and Tell Me It’s Raining” - The Last Refuge
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Against the backdrop of Rishi Sunak being installed as the U.K. Prime Minister, during his weekly monologue today, a fired-up friend of the Treehouse, Neil Oliver, asks two questions: #1) Why should WE put up with the pain predicted in our future by the same people who made it inevitable?… And #2) How quickly do […]
What’s Behind the Seth Rich Coverup? - American Thinker
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Since it has been several years since focus was on the murder of Seth Rich and the publication by Julian Assange of the efforts inside the DNC to see that Hillary was the party’s presidential candidate, a summary look at the details is warranted.
There Are Multiple Problems with the Paul Pelosi - David DePape Story - Nothing Adds Up
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The incident at the Pelosi house on early Friday morning is still puzzling at best. There now are more questions than answers. The police didn’t share how David DePape entered the house in their first press conference. They did mention that they charged him with burglary but that was it. In the second San Francisco…
The Awful Truth: Paul Pelosi Was Drunk Again, And In a Dispute With a Male Prostitute Early Friday Morning. - Santa Monica Observer
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I might disappear for telling you the truth. If I do, you’ll all know why. But here’s what really happened early Friday morning in San Francisco. IMHO
@SMObserved Responds: A short thread about Paul Pelosi story we posted yesterday, which has attracted so much attention.
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Update: This story has gained a lot of interest. Our response to some of the comments is posted on Twitter.
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