VAX_DANGER (2022-11-09) Wed [killJAB]
DoD Driving Mass JAB campaign, responsible for making and funding virus. Lots of elections undecided still. Moar ballot hijinx. Rothschild Dies. Zelensky Oscar.
Wednesday, November 09, 2022 (14:01:10)
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Links I find Interesting. Not much structure or strategy.
Department of Defense Driving Mass Vaccination While FDA and Vaccine Companies are Powerless to Stop It - America Out Loud
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Because the US Department of Defense, under the Emergency Use Authorization countermeasures program, is the ”developer” of the vaccines, there is a complex…
Video: The “Death Tsunami” Is Here. “You should never ever take any Covid shot anymore”. Dr. Sherry Tenpenny - Centre for Research on Globalization
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We are living in an ever-more intense “Death Tsunami”; Dr. Sherry Tenpenny tells us. She says in the UK, 1 in 73 people who got the shot are already dead, according to US government data. She adds, about a 1,000 people a week die, as a result of the coerced vaxx campaign. About 900 professional athletes have already died – and the number is rapidly increasing, mostly from myocarditis, a result of the vaxxes. It’s a “slow killing”– sometimes very, very painful. Most people don’t connect the dots.
Long-Term Organ Damage after COVID-19 Vaccines Emerging in Medical Literature
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Progression of Glomerular Kidney Disease Reported with More Shots
Pfizer Works to Fast-Track More Vaccines for Pregnant Moms, Despite Mounting Evidence Rushed COVID Shots Harmed Babies • Children’s Health Defense
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Buoyed by the successful global marketing of its COVID-19 vaccines, Pfizer is teeing up to dominate the maternal vaccine market even as OB-GYNs on the front lines of maternal care sound the alarm about the COVID-19 shots’ infanticidal fallout.
SADS? – England has now suffered 300k Deaths since May resulting in over 34k Excess Deaths – Why are so many people dying? – The Expose
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The Office for National Statistics has revealed that England and Wales suffered another record-breaking week of deaths in the week ending 21st October 2022, with an extra 1,714 people dying compare…
The Ugly Truth About A Vaccine That Didn’t Work - GreatGameIndia
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The KFD pathogen can be fatal. The jab meant to counteract it, however, lost its effectiveness as the regulator dozed off. This is the ugly truth about a vaccine that didn’t work.
Rapid Waning and Short-Lived Immunity: It’s Time to Rethink COVID Booster Shots, Israeli Researchers Say • Children’s Health Defense
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An Israeli study concluded the short-lived immunity and rapid waning of the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine necessitates the reevaluation of future COVID-19 vaccination campaigns.
Letter to the Editor: It is Military Intel Personnel that Made and Funded the Virus – The Expose
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In response to a flurry of comments made under an article The Exposé’s Rhoda Wilson published a couple of days ago, a reader writes that he believes these comments provide proof that a military psy…
Kyle Cooper on Gab: ‘I’ve compiled a list of the leaders of the Great R…’
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I’ve compiled a list of the leaders of the Great Reset and the Stakeholder Capitalism transition. The Matrix I’m making makes it easier for someone to search for a person and see who they’re linked to. The links take you directly to the actual website, not some random website with unproven claims. Cite your sources of GTFO, basically. You can download the Matrix using the ufile link below. You need to install Gephi to view it.
Arizona Governor Race Between Kari Lake and Katie Hobbs Too Close to Call
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SCOTTSDALE, Ariz.—The votes are still trickling in, but it’s too close to call a winner for the hotly …
Georgia Senate Race Heads to Runoff
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As the drama of the midterms continues with the balance of power in the House and Senate still unknown, at least one campaign just got extended another several weeks as the U.S. Senate race in Georgia heads to a December 6th runoff between Democrat incumbent Senator Raphael Warnock and GOP challenger Herschel Walker.
PA voters reelect Dem state lawmaker who died in October after long battle with cancer
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Pennsylvania voters re-elect the longest serving member of the state House, despite his death in October, Dems brag about win
Georgia Update: Herschel Walker Is Only GOP Candidate Not to Win Outright - Heads to Runoff against Radical Whitey-Hating Marxist… Because Georgia LOVES Their Marxists!
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Georgia is lost. The elites and FBI want you to believe that Georgia voters value the insights of radical, whitey-hating Marxists. But, we always knew that, didn’t we? What’s even better is that Raphael Warnock ran over his wife with the car. That was an added plus to Georgia voters. They really loved that. On…
It’s Obvious Now: America’s Voting System Is Rigged
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The machines went down! The tabulators failed! The paper ran out! The printer settings were wrong!
Myriad of problems with election equipment, voting tabulators in key states raise early suspicions about vote fraud in midterms
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With many regions of the country reporting record turnouts for midterm elections on Tuesday, what we’ve also seen is an alarmingly large number of problems with voting machines, tabulators, and cyberattacks. The problems began early in Maricopa County, Ariz., for instance, where reports claimed that one-in-five polling sites, or 20 percent, were experiencing “‘issues’ with tabulation machines […]
We Caught Them Again: TGP Catches Late-Night Operatives Moving Van-Loads of Suspicious Ballots Way After Legal Deadline in Detroit, Michigan
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Michigan polls closed at 8:00PM yesterday, election day 2022. The results strongly favoring Democrats shocked the pollsters and prognosticators, who all predicted some degree of a ‘red wave’ that never materialized. The results directly conflict with the perception by many campaign professionals, pollsters, and those in the media that were predicting strong Republican gains. But…
Election Alert: Votes Being Collected and Moved to Fortified Location for Counting
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Election Day barely started before problems already cropped up in several locations, including Arizona, where drastic measures are in place
London: Top Globalist Banker Evelyn De Rothschild Dies at 91
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Evelyn de Rothschild, the patriarch of the Rothschild banking dynasty, has died at 91. He was knighted by the late Queen Elizabeth II for his role in finance and banking. In 2020, the Rothschild family formed a coalition with the Vatican, the UN, mega corporations, and the Rockefeller Foundation.
Volodymyr Zelensky Accepts Oscar From Sean Penn as Ukraine War Continues
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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accepted and oscar from Sean Penn as a "symbolic" gesture" amid the ongoing war with Russia. The Hollywood star was s
Will US Imperialism Intentionally Create Another World War?
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For more than a century, the United States has meddled in the affairs of other countries against the wishes of the very populations we claim to have “rescued”
Between 1946 and 2000, the U.S. interfered in more than 80 foreign elections. Repeatedly, the U.S. has orchestrated coups to remove democratically elected leaders — all in the name of “defending democracy”
Hawaii, Cuba, Philippines, Nicaragua, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Iran, Guatemala, Indonesia, Congo, Iraq and Honduras are just a few examples of countries that have been victims of American imperialism
America’s meddling in foreign elections has long been rationalized as being done “for a good cause,” but can a nation that claims to value democratic processes undermine those very processes in other countries and call it defense of democracy?
The U.S. is still flexing its imperialist muscles, this time by seeking to escalate the conflict between Russia and Ukraine into another world war and, potentially, a nuclear exchange
Climate Change is a Malicious, Dangerous Myth – The Expose
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The Chief Climate Loonies (all 20,000 of them if COP26 is anything to go by) are meeting in a lovely holiday resort town in Egypt for COP27. My guess is that around 19,900 of them will have got the…
Message to COP27: There is no climate emergency - The Conservative Woman
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Message to COP27: There is no climate emergency
Expert Explains Cancer May Be Metabolic Disease, and Shares a Cure
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"Cancer is not a genetic disease, it’s a metabolic disease," Thomas N. Seyfried, a well-known scholar in cancer research …