VAX_DANGER (2022-11-13) Sun [killJAB]
Australian Bureau of Statistics Shows 72% Drop in Births 9 Months After COVID Shots Started. Moar FTX. Biden wants mask mandates back. Arizona Fraud getting exposed. 50% of U.S. distrust ANY jabs now.
Sunday, November 13, 2022 (11:11:12)
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Links I find Interesting. Not much structure or strategy.
Lots lately about Australia fertility, stillbirths and miscarriages. I am convinced that once miscarriage/stillbirth data is properly analyzed and distributed it will be the silver bullet that finally ends the shots. It has the correct ratio of a logical argument with a harsh emotional element to resonate with a majority of people. If you know anyone with access to data who can speak out about miscarriage rates please urge them to do so. It will make a difference. Several of todays links reference Dr. McLindons data. I wrote several articles about Dr. Luke McLindon starting back a few months ago. He has data from his patients showing very bad miscarriage rates, and of course he got fired to try and shut him up. You can read more about him in my first post below from July. I have updated that article as I find more stuff about him. He has some good interviews and speeches that are worth watching.
Australian Bureau of Statistics Shows 72% Drop in Births 9 Months After COVID Shots Started
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Australia appears to be one of the first countries to publish birth rates for 2021, and their December 2021 statistics show that births dropped 72% over the previous December average for the past six years. This drop in births is reportedly about 9 months after the roll-out of the COVID vaccines. The belief that these experimental COVID vaccines were never designed to prevent illness, but to reduce the world's population, is looking less and less like a "conspiracy theory" every day as the facts continue to come in. The funeral industry is booming, while life and health insurance companies are suffering. Could these numbers from Australia be the start of a flood of data that will come in now showing dramatic deceases in births and fertility rates following the COVID-19 vaccines?
Former Australian MP warns 75% of COVID-19 vaccinated women are experiencing miscarriages –
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The miscarriage rate among Australian women who are fully vaccinated against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is 75 percent, or five times greater than the 15 percent miscarriage rate for the […]
Brighteon VIDEO - Australian MP Responds to Record Infertility Still Births and Miscarriages
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Australian MP Responds to Record Infertility Still Births and Miscarriages
What’s going on with births down under in Australia?
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The data are quite stunning.
Dr. Michael Yeadon: “This Is the Cleanest Signal of Reproductive Harm After C19 Vaccination I’ve Seen to Date”
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All-Cause Excess Deaths are up 1,314% in the past 6 Months compared to 2020 & 731% compared to 2021 – The Expose
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Official UK Government data sadly confirms that all-cause excess deaths have increased by a shocking 1,314% over the past 6 months in 2022 compared to the same period in 2020, and 731% compared to …
FTX + Ukraine = Money Laundering? - by Mark Wauck
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The details are beyond me, but the concept seems pretty simple. The legislature of a powerful government—call it ‘the US Congress’—authorizes payment of tens of billions of dollars to the Ukrainian government to help them fight Russia. Ukraine skims at least some of that money—remember, it’s
Barbara Loe Fisher - Estimated 50% of Americans Now Question Vaccine Safety
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This week, we celebrate our 13th anniversary of Vaccine Awareness Week. Barbara Loe Fisher, cofounder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) summarizes some of the high and low points we’ve experienced over the past year
I will match all donations made to the NVIC during this week, so it’s a great time to contribute, as each dollar you give will be doubled
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has now logged over 1.4 million adverse events associated with the COVID-19 shots, including more than 30,000 deaths, half of which are from the United States. No other vaccine has ever caused as many injuries
While the harms are undeniable, health authorities are still doing what they can to deny the risks associated with the COVID shots. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention fought for 15 months to avoid releasing V-Safe data. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is also refusing to release autopsy reports of those who died post-jab
The culture wars that are going on in the world are really about collectivism versus individualism. The globalist cabal are desperately trying to convince countries to adopt a collectivist philosophy, which they refer to as “prosociality,” and move away from respect for the individual and individual rights. Nowhere is this currently more apparent than in the medical field and public health policy
Maricopa County Door #3 Ballots: Where Did They Go? - UncoverDC
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Maricopa County Election Judges question whether Door #3 ballots will be counted in the 2022 midterm election.
Russia supports creation of Gates-Rockefeller “Pandemic Fund”
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Moscow reaffirms fealty to WHO at G20 summit, calls for "global sanitary shield"
Biden Vows To Reinstate ‘Strict Mask Mandates’ This Winter - News Punch
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The Biden administration has vowed to reinstate strict mask mandates this winter now that the Democratic Party has stolen control of the Senate.
Meet the bizarre German climate activists who glue themselves to roadways and demand speed limits and cheaper public transit, all with funding from an American oil heiress’s nonprofit
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Why does climate activism always turn out to be so heavily astroturfed?
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Poll Pads Caught Adding Hundreds of Voters in Real Time as Poll is Being Closed
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The Election Oversight Group, who has been investigating and documenting Georgia’s election problems since the 2020 General Election, in conjunction with County Citizens Defending Freedom, has provided The Gateway Pundit with more evidence that our election system should not be trusted. This time, it’s direct from Texas but has implications and evidence of occurrences in…
FIX IS IN: Arizona Ballots Make Stop at Runbeck Printing Company to Scan Ballot Envelopes Before They Are Sent to County – WITH NO OBSERVERS
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This is a developing report. Arizona Ballots Make Stop at Runbeck Printing Company to Sort Ballots Before They Are Sent to County — WITH NO OBSERVERS Ben Bergquam was outside the Maricopa County election center and followed a Penske truck leave the center and return to Runbeck. Once at Runbeck, the gate is closed. Every…
Prof. Norman puts the UK Statistics Regulator on Notice for Allowing Flawed Statistical Analysis to Influence Public Health Policy
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Glaring anomalies in the COVID Vaccine Surveillance Bulletins continue to go unaddressed.
Erin Go Britain? Ireland Considers Enacting a Bill Criminalizing the Possession of Hateful Material – JONATHAN TURLEY
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We recently discussed a troubling conviction in Great Britain of a man for his “toxic ideology.” Now Ireland appears ready to replicate that case a thousand fold. The proposed Criminal …
Activating the Enemy Within: COVID Jabs Might Reactivate Virus and Diseases in Your Body
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New evidence in the scientific community indicates that there is a strong correlation between COVID-19, its related vaccines, …
The streets of Philadelphia are so bad that Mexico is using footage of them in ads to scare young people away from drugs | Not the Bee
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I tell you, this stings. It's just embarrassing.
NUKE BOMBSHELL: House Freedom Caucus MEMO Details Plan to Elect Donald Trump Speaker of the House - National File
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ADVERTISEMENTNational File has exclusively obtained a memorandum being circulated among members of the House Freedom Caucus (HFC) that considers alternatives to Kevin McCarthy after the Republican Party’s much anticipated red wave at the 2022 midterm elections fizzled into a pink trickle, potentially leaving Republicans with a single digit advantage over Pelosi’s Democrats. The “Speaker […]
Continued restrictions to visiting in care settings – HART
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It is 8 months since the government lifted all remaining restrictions to visiting in care settings. Despite these changes, many families are still restricted from visiting family members in care, and support groups continue to report limits to visiting that contravene Government guidelines.