WHO - Vaccine Crisis Communication Manual (the "Script")
A (creepy) Step-by-Step Guidance for National Immunization Programmes
I posted a link to this in yesterday’s daily link list (2023-01-10, Tuesday)
Yesterday I kinda skimmed the PDF and thought it was interesting, so it met my criteria for including in the daily list. Today I went back to it and noticed it’s pretty creepy, more than I initially thought.
This is their manual for vaccine propaganda. It’s all right there in it. All the tactics spelled out with instructions. When people say it seems like they are “reading from a script”, well they actually are. This is the script.
I converted the PDF to images and pasted them at the end for those that don’t like downloading PDFs.
DiedSuddenly on Twitter: “EVERYONE stop 🛑 what you’re doing and LOOK at this. This is the state’s playbook on how to handle anything that erodes trust in the shots. It even has guides on what to say. Every public statement by a journalist/politician is scripted by the WHO. 👇 https://t.co/2o9DvZsW4h https://t.co/RtltIPAL5x” / Twitter

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This is quite the creepy document. It is basically the manual for how to run WHO vaccine propaganda on country size populations. Yup, they have a book on it. You all should print this out and leave copies around the workplace, see if anyone notices how weird it is. PDF attached.
Great find, thank you.