Sep 18, 2023Liked by Super Spreader

Like you, I’m feeling a shift in the air. Many will never see the light, as they are too entrenched, but a great portion of the population is starting to also sense that they’ve been hoodwinked. The more they see a lie exposed, the more likely to question they are. For instance, the worse the economy gets, sadly, the better for us. When they see the administration lying about how great things are and they look around them, they see the lie. That opens the door to “what else are they lying about?”. Your articles have been very helpful and I pass as many along as I can. They make a difference.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Super Spreader

If you are relatively young and unvaccinated, the world is your oyster. You would bea cheap-to-insure employee, likely to live past the completion of your training.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Super Spreader

I subscribe to a lot of substacks, and yours it one of the best. You always have interesting and informative links to articles that I've not yet seen.

I'm sorry to hear of your loss of a family member. A close friend of mine lost his sister from the injections. She died in her sleep 2 days after getting the second Murder-na jab. My own sister suffered serious heart damage. My brother has heart damage as well. My nephew, a strong healthy man in his 30's, has peripheral neuropathy. Colleague of my wife, another young man in his 30's, has shingles. These things are poison. But there's also the flip side, which is still puzzling to me, many people I know have had multiple jabs and appear to have suffered no ill effects.

Please set your substack to offer a paid option. I want to support your work, and I know there are many others who feel the same.

Good luck getting the computer fixed (or getting a new one)!

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Super Spreader

I'm very sorry for the loss of your family member. I'm relieved that you back up your data regularly and that the problem is just a bad battery, so that the issue isn't too bad. (Which reminds me that I need to back up, something I haven't been good about.)

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Super Spreader

I watched Uncle Klausy say yesterday in one of the "Elite " get togethers say publicly "Oh no we are being EXPOSED and zee people seem not happy about having nothing."

Paraphrase but that's what he meant.


If you can do more do it.

We are heading to the 1millionmarch4children.com here in CHINADA on Wednesday in Ontario.

You are a blessing.

Thank you!

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Super Spreader

Good job making that choice when between your job and the j*b. It’s a hard decision to make but at the same time very easy. Side note: Just learned how they used to made the Salk polio vaccine and wow it’s basically witchcraft, and things really haven’t changed besides the more pricey machines.

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Super Spreader

I’d like to make a donation. How to do it???

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Sep 19, 2023·edited Sep 19, 2023Liked by Super Spreader

Your Stack helps not having so many subscriptions since you condense them in one post. I like that.

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