A step in the right direction, too bad so many have had to die or be maimed thus far. The power dynamic is still absolutely backwards, in terms of poisoning the masses, you have to file forms to opt out. And not all exemption submissions will likely be granted, also a travesty. And more will still die from injected poisons.
A step in the right direction, too bad so many have had to die or be maimed thus far. The power dynamic is still absolutely backwards, in terms of poisoning the masses, you have to file forms to opt out. And not all exemption submissions will likely be granted, also a travesty. And more will still die from injected poisons.
A step in the right direction, too bad so many have had to die or be maimed thus far. The power dynamic is still absolutely backwards, in terms of poisoning the masses, you have to file forms to opt out. And not all exemption submissions will likely be granted, also a travesty. And more will still die from injected poisons.