The Climategate scandal should have ended climate catastrophism. Instead, politicians, scientists, activists, and crony capitalists studiously ignored it and suppressed it while raking in trillions.
The authors of these emails are pathetic liars and grifters that deserve to rot in jail. I hope the voting public finally becomes fully awake to these scams and all the other idiotic propaganda our ‘Dear Government’ thinks we should believe for our own good of course!
Sadly, the people who have succumbed to the COVID propaganda are the same ones who believe in man-made climate change. (Possible exception, geoengineering purposely damaging our atmosphere).
The authors of these emails are pathetic liars and grifters that deserve to rot in jail. I hope the voting public finally becomes fully awake to these scams and all the other idiotic propaganda our ‘Dear Government’ thinks we should believe for our own good of course!
Sadly, the people who have succumbed to the COVID propaganda are the same ones who believe in man-made climate change. (Possible exception, geoengineering purposely damaging our atmosphere).
The climate-change hoaxers should stopped breathing so they can reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.