Fred La Marmotte has been predicting whether or not Canadians would endure six more weeks of l’hiver for years, but during today’s Groundhog Day celebration in Val-d’Espoir, Quebec, the event organizer, Roberto Blondin, made a stunning announcement, telling onlookers that Fred was dead. “In life, the only thing that’s certain is that nothing is certain,” Blondin told the crowd. “Well, this year it’s true. It’s true and it’s unfortunate. I announce to you the death of Fred.” La mort de Fred. Those attending the festivities reacted as you’d imagine any crowd would, as they were expecting to hear a weather forecast but instead received news of the death of a meteorological titan.
Fred escaped, don't blame him.
Is the story real or satire?
Well, it does look like satire, but, if it's satire it has spread virally throughout lots of news agencies:
It's not like usual links I include, but it's so bizarre I threw it in.
Why didn't they check on the little guy before announcing it at the last minute?
It's pretty weird.
Even if it's made up, it's still weird,. Why would someone put out this story as a troll? It's like something out of SouthPark.
Thanks for the info. Weird indeed.
I hope they are not giving the little guys these stupid shots, I know in some zoo's they are. :(.
If he did indeed get the jab, it was surely coerced.