I think that all GMO-produced food is unsafe and improperly regulated so that conglomerates can plough on making enormous profits at the unknown detriment to our health and wellbeing.
Bill Gates is now using Climate Change as his World Health Organisation's excuse for applying draconian 'CONTROL' (Slavery) rules (Laws) to control the planet. The longer-term objective is to lock down the world's population and control every element of human existence. Most will be regarded as Dehumanised by the excesses of mRNA poisons.
Coincidentally, The Biden Administration's (= Obama, Clinton, etc,) decision to prolong the Covid mRNA poisonous Vax Scam rules until the end of 2029 gives The New World Order (the WEF) more time to depopulate the planet with extended protection for those making the deadly mRNA vax murderers at Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, Merck, et al. ZERO LIABILITY must end now!
The end of 2029 fits nicely into Adolf Schwab's WEF 2030 time frame for taking complete control of the planet for his 'ELITE' friends in their New World Order. By this date, he hopes that all those injected with mRNA will be regarded as 'Dehumanised' and that we 'the ubjabbed' have been rounded up and 'sorted out'.
Unvaxxed Mick ()UK) We'll live longer if we avoid corrupt medics with syringes full of deadly mRNA poison.
Bye-bye Frankenfood PEI.
Somebody make good and sure all their GMO dreck is destroyed.
Because, if they smuggle eggs or fertile live salmon to the states, they may well be granted a license to persist.
We don't want THAT now, do we. :)
Praise Yahweh!
Just for fun, imagine the Salmon running a farm that produced GMO humans. Our depravity knows no bounds.
I think that all GMO-produced food is unsafe and improperly regulated so that conglomerates can plough on making enormous profits at the unknown detriment to our health and wellbeing.
Bill Gates is now using Climate Change as his World Health Organisation's excuse for applying draconian 'CONTROL' (Slavery) rules (Laws) to control the planet. The longer-term objective is to lock down the world's population and control every element of human existence. Most will be regarded as Dehumanised by the excesses of mRNA poisons.
Coincidentally, The Biden Administration's (= Obama, Clinton, etc,) decision to prolong the Covid mRNA poisonous Vax Scam rules until the end of 2029 gives The New World Order (the WEF) more time to depopulate the planet with extended protection for those making the deadly mRNA vax murderers at Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, Merck, et al. ZERO LIABILITY must end now!
The end of 2029 fits nicely into Adolf Schwab's WEF 2030 time frame for taking complete control of the planet for his 'ELITE' friends in their New World Order. By this date, he hopes that all those injected with mRNA will be regarded as 'Dehumanised' and that we 'the ubjabbed' have been rounded up and 'sorted out'.
Unvaxxed Mick ()UK) We'll live longer if we avoid corrupt medics with syringes full of deadly mRNA poison.