I just cross posted a Vigilant Fox article and forgot the YT video link.
Oooops, sorry. Youtube video link to the Danny Jones podcast included below.
Update: 2:30 pm PST
I clipped out and added a short 20 second video section I mention.
It is pasted below at the end of the post.
Something struck me as odd.
Calley’s excitement with wearable health tech.
Start the video at 1:16:29 and listen to how Calley talks about wearable health tech, “Bio-Wearables”. He is gushing.
Do you get the sense that Calley could be covertly lobbying on behalf of companies that are planning and laying the groundwork NOW to promote and profit from a technocratic “Bio-Wearable” future? Could they be happy that trust in doctors has been lost? The environment of needing to monitor your own health and not rely upon a doctor makes personal “Bio-Wearable” health tech more much appealing (and profitable).
The Bio-Wearable clip sounds suspicious to me.
Uploading your health data every minute into a cloud database seems a much different path to “health” than growing a small garden in your backyard, eating pesticide free vegetables and getting eggs and nutritious raw milk from your local farmer.
What do you think?
Short 20 second clip:
Scene from the future:
A woman is casually packing a small suitcase.
She hears her watch speak up.
SAM the Smartwatch
I notice your temperature has risen 2º and your blood O2 has dropped slightly. You appear to have a virus.
I have taken the liberty of cancelling your Uber and your flight to visit your grandchildren this weekend. I have notified them you will not be visiting.
It is for your and their safety.
Please remain in your house or the local health compliance division will be notified. I have arranged for your ration of bug based Amazon Prime vegetables to be home delivered early this week as you will not be authorized to safely go out in public until your health stabilizes.
We hope you enjoy your BioHealth-Wearable subscription service.
Remember at BioHealth we don’t sleep so that you can.
We keep you safe all day every day.
Please remember to rate the service provided.
Have a nice day.
All the best,
We are NOT “off the greatest health crisis …”
mRNA ‘therapy’ has been SECRETLY added to meat, poultry and processed foods for several YEARS now. So, cook one pond of frogs slowly and it’s ’genocide.’ Slowly Cook ANY frogs wherever you find them, without informed consent & HONEST safety testing is intentional, preplanned BioDEMOCIDE. Wake up to hidden reality with your REAL-Eye$.
The irony in creating a shit new product to control Health data... and it won't even be bio degradable. Ha! Yeah, I want a dog leash that tells the Enemy where I am, every second... Maybe "They" can install Explosive Devices, a la the Harkonnen in Dune, .. or like genocidal Zionist Jews... so when we reach 50..? Before pension access certainly!