I wanted a heart rate monitor and had to find one on eBay made in the 1908s because I don’t want my health info tracked by an app. Nothing good can come of that.

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… especially with EMF warfare being able to learn, monitor and attack individuals’ “weak spots” or/and exploit them for profiteering before here-on-Earth’s eventual PHYSICAL death sentences.

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We are NOT “off the greatest health crisis …”

mRNA ‘therapy’ has been SECRETLY added to meat, poultry and processed foods for several YEARS now. So, cook one pond of frogs slowly and it’s ’genocide.’ Slowly Cook ANY frogs wherever you find them, without informed consent & HONEST safety testing is intentional, preplanned BioDEMOCIDE. Wake up to hidden reality with your REAL-Eye$.

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Calley is an INFORMED, intellectual & political COWARD. Seems he’s protecting something HE doesn’t wanna LOSE.

Yet not willing to PROTECT 1000s, perhaps millions, who ARE NOW being targeted and jabbed FOR unnecessary disease, disability and death. PRIORITIES don’t match his pleasant delivery of self-evidenced DISCONCERN for the still-living. Fake, man, FAKE ! But a REAL protect the money 1st squeeeezling.

Thank YOU Dr. Jack Kruse ❤️. 4 years of horrific TRUTHS is a bit long to wait ! NO MORE poly-trick$ !

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Apart from the privacy issue (HIPAA bedamned!) this is about targeted marketing of their products. If RFK succeeds in getting pharma commercials off the TV, this is the next wave in advertising. You vill take the product or else!

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The irony in creating a shit new product to control Health data... and it won't even be bio degradable. Ha! Yeah, I want a dog leash that tells the Enemy where I am, every second... Maybe "They" can install Explosive Devices, a la the Harkonnen in Dune, .. or like genocidal Zionist Jews... so when we reach 50..? Before pension access certainly!

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I do not like Mr Means. I find him to be very shifty and nervous like he is guilty of something. I like my Oura ring but maybe I shouldn’t.

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I was ambivalent towards Calley (and Casey), until watching this that is. Seeing how he talks here it is plain as day that he has had professional training in conversational misdirection. He has studied NLP also. He says “I’m connecting with you”, when he wasn’t doing that in the least. That’s a specific well studied and documented technique. Assume, inject and project rapport when it doesn’t exist. Probably childhood SRA victim. Dissociative personality traits. He is physically in the room speaking to people but “he” is removed and not present, safely in his mind castle somewhere else. You can see this when he pretends to be offended. Nothing about his interactions are congruent and genuine. My spook radar went off the charts after seeing this interview. It’s like half Christine Blasey Ford and half Karine Jean-Pierre. Maybe in the future he will prove me wrong, but as of now I am through with this clown.

They should have asked him what a woman is. See if he would commit to answering that.

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I completely concur. He and his sister were on Joe Rogan. I haven’t watched that but I am curious as to how he presented himself there. There is definitely a split going on between the actual person and the act. He was acting innocent and confused by the Big Mean Bully Kruse. Most unbecoming in a man, and so very obvious. Just yucky!

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The more vocal fry I hear, the more suspicious I become.

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The social media only when you are x years old laws and pornhub laws with “put your ID to prove your age and access” is a gateway to digital ID but conservatives are raving because it ostensibly stops kids getting addicted. But anyone addicted enough to look for porn could easily be able to use a vpn. The party of small government is demanding government increase for that purpose.

And IVF and surrogacy are child trafficking (look up Katy Faust for more on this. She explains it super well) but Ted Cruz—whose daughter is a leftist, so that signals something—fights for IVF

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