Its the other way around. You have it backwards. Its not the migrants associated with the digital ID, its current "Americans". Are we still calling ourselves that? In order to identify "who belongs here" in the country, you will have to get the REAL ID....DIGITAL VERSION! Did you note what we had to produce to get "our 'REAL ID'" recently? Proof of Social benefits eligibility (SSN), Proof of slave inclusion (red marked Birth certificate, and current "UNREAL ID", right? They called it the "Real ID" as though our older ones were "fake" and "illegitimate". Now, that everyone has been forced into "The REAL ID" data tracking program, the 2.0 version is the "DIGITAL VERSION", which you will need to move about the country, shop, etc. As for the illegal aliens, they will become the NEW SLAVE drivers. Its like the planet of the Apes, right. Don't you all remember? Society reversed!!! They illegal aliens are getting benefits, housing, medical, food, diapers, milk, tents, plane fair, bus fair and being shipped to all locations of the country. Next, they are given a "Get Out Of Jail Free Card". So, the can herd us through acts of violence, land control (through tent settlements), take "possession" of property without fear of retribution, lawless (defunded) non-police society, and defiant prosecutors. This is why the government is attempting to "take out the 2nd amendment", and remove all the guns (or as many as possible), so there is less, or little "self-protection". Next, they are limiting energy (gas) and trying to put everything on a controllable grid (they don't have), as they attempt to outlaw vehicles and fuel that allow you to "move away" from "the new handlers". You can't run, you can't hide in your home, and you can not stop the violence that is coming when millions have no food. The government will merely stop providing more resources, or the "funding" and resources will just run out. If it runs out, the hungry, broke, lawless, and fearless will do what they are already doing. Come for anything and everything to sustain themselves, and enrich themselves in ways they could not in their country. In other words, they will still any wealth that they can move to themselves. But, to control the new handlers, the US gov't by 2025 will release a "contagion" and sicken over 2 billion people all over the world, or nearly 1/4 of the planet in order to control the remaining population. The crazy thing to me is that there are people voting and working to keep the current 1% in current control, thinking that they are all in the same group. But, the government will not save them, because there will be no more voting government into power. Those in power will just change the laws, and rules to keep it. You think I am crazy? Then why if they declared there is no more pandemic, have they fought to keep the emergency powers in place? 1) They are not giving up their power, 2) you don't realize how powerful they have become (although you are learning), and 3) they will release another contagion in 2.5 years or there about. The US is being drained of its treasury, no one knows where that money has gone, but, you know where it NOT, and that is back to you. Once the monetary system is broken and the US debt so high, they will have to "reboot", and that is "digital money". Like your REAL ID going to DIGITAL ID 2.0, your money will also go from "paper fiat" to "digital and programable". Why, because they are not going to give you the ability to "trade value" without them being in control. Don't believe, me? Check what happen in 2016 in India when the outlawed paper currency, or in Nigeria when they recently limited cash withdrawals to force people to use the bank digital coin eNaira. Or did you miss "China"? The fact is that by the time that "American's" get out of the "that is over there, not over here" denial syndrome, it will be way, way, way to late for the country. And you think you are going to have a "garden", and provide your own self grown food? Well, you better look at the border, those hungry people will be at your door "first", and if they don't find you, all they will have to do is lookup the directory of neighborhood gardens that the USDA is compiling. Yup, you heard me. The USDA is asking everyone with a home garden to list themselves in a National Registry disclosing that you are growing food at home (that they don't control---------YET)! Wake-Up America. The longer they keep you distracted fighting each other (this party vs that party). You will understand that we are all in this together. Regardless of how "you voted". Those people coming across the boarder has "one party line", "survival", and you are in there way!!!! Wake-Up America!!

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Frankly this country is already swirling the bowl, as so amply demonstrated by the masses of asses the past 3 years. It’s too late, I think. I can’t even imagine how those of us who know what’s really happening could save us - way too many moving parts on every front

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I really hope it does not come to this but load up on ammo and weapons. Learn the tactics of using a gun. There's a lot, it's not going to the range and blasting a paper target either. It is situational awareness and swat team type tactics. Form groups, become profficient with combat type of training.

If you don't want to do this then don't bother buying many guns or ammo, you'll just shoot us, the good guys.

It may be more of a quiet revolution where the country folds into itself because of the meltdown of sovereign debt. We spilt in two or more pieces and no shots are fired. This would be the best outcome and probably the likely one.

But, we will split up, we will lose the financial capital of the world title. We are never going back to what we knew. The matrix type of environment that has been created for us is cracking, we are seeing the real condition of the world and the players that wish to control it come to light. Nothing we've known is real, it's all a show, and that show has been financed by Keynesian type of social economics. That has ended, long bonds no longer are selling. The defaults coming will be breathtaking. They won't just stop paying, they'll do something like pay interest only, but never give your money back. They will use some crisis as cover for defaults. Viruses, WW3, etc. It's all manipulated or orchestrated to cover the government Ponzi schemes perpetually being created. They never intended on paying anything back, and now they can't raise cash like the past. That's when the Ponzi scheme is exposed, the promised payments stop.

The same for the border, it is planned for many reasons, one outlined in the post. The end game is to destroy America's hegemony and put us under the UN or other world organizations. We already see the attempt with health by trying to make the WHO the global authoritarians. We will see more pushes for global control and loss of government and individual sovereignty.

Start looking for a new state to take up residency if you are in a blue state. Try to get ahead of the curve before the rush to leave happens. Already that is happening is state's like Illinois, California and NY.

Do not expect normal. What we knew as normal is over.

Here's a YouTube from the Jimmy Dore show. This will illustrate for you what has been going on under our nose by the ruling class and the elite. They are vile people. Watch it and see your faith in government evaporate..


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We are across Lake Ontario from Rochester in Toronto.

We are also being invaded .

For years since Trudeau stole the last selection.

Maybe the only saving grace is our very cold winters which some of my friends from warm climates can't believe people thrive in this cold.

You certainly won't be sleeping outside.

We are heading farther north in Ontario which is 3 times the size of Texas.

We know the cold.

Born here.

Not sure how this will play out here

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