I see opinions claiming the southern invasion is about “votes”. I don’t think so. Ask yourself, why would the puppet masters care about votes when they have already perfected stealing elections? They no longer need “voters” to install more actors into office. They need lots of angry people to create the civil unrest which will drive the next step of their plan.
Textbook Hegelian Dialectic
Problem: Country is overrun with illegal aliens
border opened to foreign invaders illegitimately requesting asylum, they are economic migrants (which is not legal justification for asylum) Their expensive journey is funded by someone, but, they are lied to and told they are coming to a land of abundance. In reality that land is just beginning a devastating deflationary recession that will eventually accelerate into a grapes-of-wrath level depression.
member “learn to code”? in 2024 it will be “learn to farm”
Reaction: Tempers flare and violence breaks out
As could be predicted by anyone with a fourth grade education. Things will get tense when you have a bunch of idle hands, angry, hungry, desperate, unemployed, highly segregated, not even able to speak the same language. The demon spook media will fuel division (in multiple languages) driving gang style street violence (“rage FOR the machine” you might say) This is inevitable, it was expected long ago, it is in fact a NECESSARY STEP of the shadow plan to promote the next move.
Solution: Every citizen needs to enroll in Digital ID System
Puppet masters want the angry sheep to BEG for their digital tag. They are intentionally creating an environment that is so terrible and dire that the brainless media-regurgitating zombies will pound their fists, crowd the streets with pitchforks and torches and DEMAND that they all be put into a digital ID gulag. How else will we possibly know who gets to stay!?! How else will these foreign trouble making invaders be identified and controlled? “We could solve this problem if we only had a way to identify who can ‘legally’ stay and who we needed to remove”, just submit to the mark of the beast tracking system and your benevolent slave masters will fix all your problems. Oh, and we are connecting all you medical records to your new digital ID and your bank accounts of course, which, if you piss us off, will be frozen and seized. You better not complain, because now we control all your money and health records, and all the farms, which we tax out of existence, so, STFU and Eat Zee Damn Bugs (we make a bunch of money on those bug burgers). Oh, and because bug skin gives you cancer, we are also going to require you to get these new mRNA cancer shots every 6 months (that we also sell), compliance with will of course be tracked by that Digital ID. Duh, why else would we do this? No steak for you.
Welcome to you new life as cattle
Pay attention folks, ask » who benefits? « from the US being over-run with angry entitled foreign invaders? Is someone moving troops into place now for planned riots and civil war? How many women and children do you see in that video? What population that requires asylum leaves all of its women and children behind?
This is the prequel to the Hunger Games
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Video source: @BillFOXLA and Bannon’s WarRoom
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