Thank you for the link. The video is UNLISTED on youtube.

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Kamala: why not? 10 reasons.

If Trump gets voted, it’s just 4 years, but if Kamala, it’s at least 8 years. Whoever votes for Kamala must be very sure who she really is:

Open borders, allowing the crossing, registration and vanishing of 320 thousand children, deliberately missing?

Child abuse (gender affirming care for children and child trafficking through uncontrolled borders). Would you vote for child abuse?

More abortion until 9 month of pregnancy and even after birth (letting the survivors slo-die). Would you vote for 500,000 more babies to be butchered?

Kamala, as California Attorney General, helped Planned Parenthood in the scandal of selling aborted baby-parts: building the case against the journalists & signed off on the search warrants against them in violation California's shield law for journalists.

Kamala got that position as a reward for “dating” a married political sugar daddy, sleeping her way to the top.

Kamala endorsing rape, by men in girl’s sports, bathrooms, showers, locker rooms and jails.

Kamala is connected to the child sexual abuse scandal of PizzaGate, through her sister Maya, and Satanists Tony Podesta and James Alefantis of Comet Ping Pong.

Kamala will blindly obey the new Pandemic Treaty and IHRs. Why would she obey the WHO? because masons swore to obey their master masons even above an oath as president: she is almost certainly a mason.

Trump said that he intends to create a new international organization to replace WHO. That alone might explain the 4 Trump assassination attempts (compared to zero in 2016).

And don’t forget her pick as VP: Tim Waltz.

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A beautiful demonstration of Trump's shallowness and lack of diplomacy. He's just a billionaire in a bar! It's why people think of him as the "everyman."

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