Ummm, how about NO? How about you offer TRIPLE back pay? Maybe then…
Read closely, the psychopaths are still requiring a vaccine passport however. You just have that box unchecked. Would you trust these monsters with your health?
May 17, 2024
Dr. Owen Johnston,
We are writing to let you know that there has been a change in the Kaiser Permanente COVID-19 Vaccination for KP Workforce Members Policy ("Vaccine Policy") that may impact you. As you may recall, the federal government and various state and local entities required COVID-19 vaccinations for, among others, healthcare workers during the pandemic. Consistent with the government-mandated COVID-19 vaccine laws, and as part of its ongoing efforts to protect the health and safety of Kaiser Permanente members, patients, and employees, many of whom were at high-risk from COVID-19, in 2021 Kaiser Permanente implemented a Vaccine Policy. The Vaccine Policy required, as a condition of employment, that employees must either submit proof that they were fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (including any applicable boosters), or receive an approved exemption, by the specified timeline.
Due to changes in the federal, state and local vaccine requirements or recommendations, among other reasons, the Vaccine Policy has been revised effective February 1, 2024.Specifically, vaccination against COVID-19 is no longer required as a condition of employment. While COVID-19 vaccination will not be a requirement of working at Kaiser Permanente, employees will be required to annually verify their COVID-19 vaccination status.
We understand that your employment may have ended at Kaiser Permanente because of your non-compliance with the Vaccine Policy. Given the revision to the Vaccine Policy, we wanted to inform you that you are eligible for rehire with Kaiser Permanente for open and available positions for which you are qualified if you chose to reapply (unless you are ineligible for rehire for other reasons unrelated to the non-compliance with the COVID-19 vaccine mandate). You may search for open and available positions here:
We appreciate your prior service to Kaiser Permanente and its members and patients, and we encourage you to apply for open positions.
Still total BS. "While COVID-19 vaccination will not be a requirement of working at Kaiser Permanente, employees will be required to annually verify their COVID-19 vaccination status." Why would they need to know your "covid-19 vaccination status" for a virus that is over three years old and is not in circulation any more and the shot never did stop the spread and caused major health issues such as myocarditis, POTS and autoimmune issues just to name a few? This is still saying that their clot shots are worthy of consideration. Screw them.
It's not our fault, it's those federal guy's, they made us do it. We always liked you and didn't want to fire you over this silly shot thing, honest, the Fed guy's would beat us up and take our lunch money every day if we didn't make you take that shot. Just come back now that the Fed guy's are gone, and we can be friends again.
I wouldn't blame anyone for going back and hopefully securing some benefits and perks and reinstated retirement standing along the way. Especially if they were very close to being vetted. Hopefully they get a good attorney to advise and bargain.
Exactly. I wasn't fired, but was stressed out continuously during initial filings for exemption and then various issues with their system that wouldn't let me upload an updated medical form. No one could help me and they let it drop until suddenly one day I was advised I was being suspended the next day. So many excuses and no responsibility. And when my religious exemption was denied early on, there was no real person or entity to discuss it with. Just a disembodied decision-making anonymous entity. They paid me by accident and then requested I sign a form allowing them to take the money back. Nope. Locked me out of all computer systems for 2 weeks and if I hadn't been so upset I would've enjoyed that easy time a lot more. Now they have outsourced all of their National HR services. Money saving and/or perhaps a way of trying to protect themselves from lawsuits. Oh, yeah; none of those HR people work for us anymore. How convenient. Now when you call you know you are talking to someone in another country reading scripts and having to look everything up as they go.
They will continue to 'mandate' various poisons with impunity. Considering 'health care' was the 3rd leading cause of death, before the jabocide, I do pray that those who left /were forced out have found something less deadly to do. I think many hospitals deserve to go under, bloated as they are with middle managers and administrators who have sponged up the money that should go to the heroes that said NO.
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: I first saw this video when it was originally posted, to the best of my recollection, in 2021. This transcript was made from this 2023 repost. In the video, the security guard wears a black mask.
NURSE [filming herself]: I am being escorted out of Kaiser Permanente Hospital for my religious beliefs because I don't want to get the jab. And I asked all day for someone to explain to me why my sincerely held religious beliefs are not good enough for Kaiser. And no one was able to do that for me.
[to someone off camera]: Bye.
So now they're escorting me out because I wanted an answer and I'm not leaving without an answer. And I have some nurses here who are standing with me in solidarity. And I appreciate that. And I just want all of you to count the cost. I want you to watch this and think, what really matters to me? Because I am willing to lose my safety and security, my house, everything, for my freedom. And I want you to think about that.
[entering elevator] [inaudible]
NURSE: Let me ask you. Do you believe in religious freedom?
NURSE: Well Kaiser doesn't. Do you believe in religious freedom?
WOMAN'S VOICE: One hundred percent.
NURSE: Do you believe in religious freedom?
NURSE: OK. Well Kaiser doesn't believe in religious freedom because they are not accepting my religious exemption based on my sincerely held religious beliefs. So.
NURSE [exiting elevator]: That's a problem.
NURSE: Love you.
[to camera, as walking down hall of hospital]: All day I've been asking for someone from HR to come talk to me about why my religious exemption was not good enough for Kaiser. So I've been asking and asking, and no one will give me an answer. So that was at 10:45 this morning that I was told I'm now being placed on unpaid administrative leave for no reason.
I showed up to work this morning. Happy to work. All I want to do is work. All I want to do is work. Since the beginning, I've been a covid nurse since the beginning when we didn't know what was going on. When we didn't know what kind of rooms we were walking into. But that's what we do. We're nurses. And I'll keep doing that, just somewhere else.
But I want you all to think about what matters to you. Because this matters to me. Freedom matters to me. Because it's a slippery slope when you start taking away freedoms. Slippery slope.
So Kaiser, thank you, thank you for the money. Kaiser pays well. It's pretty much, you know, the devil's in the details.
[tp security officer]: I'm on the seventh floor. You good to walk the stairs?
MASKED SECURITY OFFICER: Hey. [laughs] I'm on the [inaudible].
NURSE [to camera]: We're taking the stairs.
[to someone off camera]: Bye, girl.
NURSE: Bye. [she hugs her]
WOMAN'S VOICE: I'm so sorry. It's not right.
NURSE: It's not right.
WOMAN'S VOICE: Totally inappropriate.
NURSE: It's not right. Thank you.
[walking again, speaking to camera]: We're taking the stairs. I'm on the seventh floor. You game? OK, let's go.
So since I have, since I you, um, what would you do if you were in my shoes, if they were telling you that you had to violate your sincerely held religious belief or lose your job, what would you do?
SECURITY OFFICER: I don't know. [inaudible] that so I don't know how to respond to that.
NURSE: Yeah. Well they will, I mean, if it's not the vaccine it'll be something else. So for me, I didn't want to do that. And I'm taking a stand because I know that this is not the end. Because there'll just be one other thing.
Here we go. Floor one. [Climbing the stairs— reading placard] "Climbing the stairs is a free workout built right into your day. Kaiser Permanente."
The security guard's walking with me. Seven floors. I don't think they were ready for that.
[Climbing the stairs— reading placard] "Helps shrink your waistline by building healthy muscle and pumping your metabolism."
It's a sad day. I don't know what kind of pandemic it is if they're firing nurses who are willing to work. I don't know! Doesn't make sense to me.
So you got to ask yourself a question. What kind of world are we living in when we have a pandemic where my kids have to wear masks at school and they have to get a vaccine for something that they're not at risk of dying for at all? What kind of a world are we living in if they're firing nurses who don't want to violate their sincerely held religious beliefs. Right? That's crazy.
[Climbing the stairs— reading placard] "Taking the stairs burns steam and relieves stress. Kaiser Permanente"
[aims camera at view out to tree tops and sky] Hey that's the view.
[camera on masked security officer, still in his mask, then camera back on herself]: We're there. We're there, sir. Seven flights, that's right, I follow the rules. I park on top. That's the kind of nurse I am.
Thank you.
UPDATE JUN 27, 2024
This video was originally posted on Instagram around November 1, 2021. This transcript was made from this 2023 repost. In the video, the security guard wears a black mask. The nurse is not identified, however, there was a Fox 5 news story that names her as Tori Jensen. See: "Ex-nurse on Kaiser Permanente vaccine mandate: ‘I truly believe in freedom’
The specific Kaiser Permanente Hospital is not identified in the video, however in the following newstory it is named as Kaiser Permanente San Diego Medical Center in the Kearny Mesa community.
"Unvaccinated nurse posts Instagram video of her being escorted from hospital"
total depravity.
Still total BS. "While COVID-19 vaccination will not be a requirement of working at Kaiser Permanente, employees will be required to annually verify their COVID-19 vaccination status." Why would they need to know your "covid-19 vaccination status" for a virus that is over three years old and is not in circulation any more and the shot never did stop the spread and caused major health issues such as myocarditis, POTS and autoimmune issues just to name a few? This is still saying that their clot shots are worthy of consideration. Screw them.
If You Are Reading This
You Are A Holocaust Survivor.
So Far.
Wise words. (I can see it on a T-shirt.)
I have no words....
It's not our fault, it's those federal guy's, they made us do it. We always liked you and didn't want to fire you over this silly shot thing, honest, the Fed guy's would beat us up and take our lunch money every day if we didn't make you take that shot. Just come back now that the Fed guy's are gone, and we can be friends again.
…as long as you verify your vaccine stats annually!
Only a complete lunatic would go back to work for these a**holes!
I wouldn't blame anyone for going back and hopefully securing some benefits and perks and reinstated retirement standing along the way. Especially if they were very close to being vetted. Hopefully they get a good attorney to advise and bargain.
Exactly. I wasn't fired, but was stressed out continuously during initial filings for exemption and then various issues with their system that wouldn't let me upload an updated medical form. No one could help me and they let it drop until suddenly one day I was advised I was being suspended the next day. So many excuses and no responsibility. And when my religious exemption was denied early on, there was no real person or entity to discuss it with. Just a disembodied decision-making anonymous entity. They paid me by accident and then requested I sign a form allowing them to take the money back. Nope. Locked me out of all computer systems for 2 weeks and if I hadn't been so upset I would've enjoyed that easy time a lot more. Now they have outsourced all of their National HR services. Money saving and/or perhaps a way of trying to protect themselves from lawsuits. Oh, yeah; none of those HR people work for us anymore. How convenient. Now when you call you know you are talking to someone in another country reading scripts and having to look everything up as they go.
My three word answer: GFY
give them the double barrel middle finger.
They will continue to 'mandate' various poisons with impunity. Considering 'health care' was the 3rd leading cause of death, before the jabocide, I do pray that those who left /were forced out have found something less deadly to do. I think many hospitals deserve to go under, bloated as they are with middle managers and administrators who have sponged up the money that should go to the heroes that said NO.
No way Hose'
Peope know the drill now: read small print prior signing after reading the main text and reading between the lines too.
Pathetic. Criminal.
Nurse Loses Her Job For Refusing and Records Her Last Day
thatgirlkanesha, posted November 22, 2023
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: I first saw this video when it was originally posted, to the best of my recollection, in 2021. This transcript was made from this 2023 repost. In the video, the security guard wears a black mask.
NURSE [filming herself]: I am being escorted out of Kaiser Permanente Hospital for my religious beliefs because I don't want to get the jab. And I asked all day for someone to explain to me why my sincerely held religious beliefs are not good enough for Kaiser. And no one was able to do that for me.
[to someone off camera]: Bye.
So now they're escorting me out because I wanted an answer and I'm not leaving without an answer. And I have some nurses here who are standing with me in solidarity. And I appreciate that. And I just want all of you to count the cost. I want you to watch this and think, what really matters to me? Because I am willing to lose my safety and security, my house, everything, for my freedom. And I want you to think about that.
[entering elevator] [inaudible]
NURSE: Let me ask you. Do you believe in religious freedom?
NURSE: Well Kaiser doesn't. Do you believe in religious freedom?
WOMAN'S VOICE: One hundred percent.
NURSE: Do you believe in religious freedom?
NURSE: OK. Well Kaiser doesn't believe in religious freedom because they are not accepting my religious exemption based on my sincerely held religious beliefs. So.
NURSE [exiting elevator]: That's a problem.
NURSE: Love you.
[to camera, as walking down hall of hospital]: All day I've been asking for someone from HR to come talk to me about why my religious exemption was not good enough for Kaiser. So I've been asking and asking, and no one will give me an answer. So that was at 10:45 this morning that I was told I'm now being placed on unpaid administrative leave for no reason.
I showed up to work this morning. Happy to work. All I want to do is work. All I want to do is work. Since the beginning, I've been a covid nurse since the beginning when we didn't know what was going on. When we didn't know what kind of rooms we were walking into. But that's what we do. We're nurses. And I'll keep doing that, just somewhere else.
But I want you all to think about what matters to you. Because this matters to me. Freedom matters to me. Because it's a slippery slope when you start taking away freedoms. Slippery slope.
So Kaiser, thank you, thank you for the money. Kaiser pays well. It's pretty much, you know, the devil's in the details.
[tp security officer]: I'm on the seventh floor. You good to walk the stairs?
MASKED SECURITY OFFICER: Hey. [laughs] I'm on the [inaudible].
NURSE [to camera]: We're taking the stairs.
[to someone off camera]: Bye, girl.
NURSE: Bye. [she hugs her]
WOMAN'S VOICE: I'm so sorry. It's not right.
NURSE: It's not right.
WOMAN'S VOICE: Totally inappropriate.
NURSE: It's not right. Thank you.
[walking again, speaking to camera]: We're taking the stairs. I'm on the seventh floor. You game? OK, let's go.
So since I have, since I you, um, what would you do if you were in my shoes, if they were telling you that you had to violate your sincerely held religious belief or lose your job, what would you do?
SECURITY OFFICER: I don't know. [inaudible] that so I don't know how to respond to that.
NURSE: Yeah. Well they will, I mean, if it's not the vaccine it'll be something else. So for me, I didn't want to do that. And I'm taking a stand because I know that this is not the end. Because there'll just be one other thing.
Here we go. Floor one. [Climbing the stairs— reading placard] "Climbing the stairs is a free workout built right into your day. Kaiser Permanente."
The security guard's walking with me. Seven floors. I don't think they were ready for that.
[Climbing the stairs— reading placard] "Helps shrink your waistline by building healthy muscle and pumping your metabolism."
It's a sad day. I don't know what kind of pandemic it is if they're firing nurses who are willing to work. I don't know! Doesn't make sense to me.
So you got to ask yourself a question. What kind of world are we living in when we have a pandemic where my kids have to wear masks at school and they have to get a vaccine for something that they're not at risk of dying for at all? What kind of a world are we living in if they're firing nurses who don't want to violate their sincerely held religious beliefs. Right? That's crazy.
[Climbing the stairs— reading placard] "Taking the stairs burns steam and relieves stress. Kaiser Permanente"
[aims camera at view out to tree tops and sky] Hey that's the view.
[camera on masked security officer, still in his mask, then camera back on herself]: We're there. We're there, sir. Seven flights, that's right, I follow the rules. I park on top. That's the kind of nurse I am.
Thank you.
UPDATE JUN 27, 2024
This video was originally posted on Instagram around November 1, 2021. This transcript was made from this 2023 repost. In the video, the security guard wears a black mask. The nurse is not identified, however, there was a Fox 5 news story that names her as Tori Jensen. See: "Ex-nurse on Kaiser Permanente vaccine mandate: ‘I truly believe in freedom’
by, Jaime Chambers, Posted: Nov 2, 2021
The specific Kaiser Permanente Hospital is not identified in the video, however in the following newstory it is named as Kaiser Permanente San Diego Medical Center in the Kearny Mesa community.
"Unvaccinated nurse posts Instagram video of her being escorted from hospital"
By KFMB staff
Published: Nov. 4, 2021