You know, I am starting to think that shrinking the government was going to be enough to right the ship but I am now starting to lean toward a purge of alphabet agencies being necessary to ensure the deep state is eliminated from all the places they now occupy but public and private.
I think it is easy to say Twitter is the FBI. Many of us have mentioned this in the past. Also, Google is very suspect as being a government run corporation.
You know, I am starting to think that shrinking the government was going to be enough to right the ship but I am now starting to lean toward a purge of alphabet agencies being necessary to ensure the deep state is eliminated from all the places they now occupy but public and private.
Splinter into a thousand pieces
I think it is easy to say Twitter is the FBI. Many of us have mentioned this in the past. Also, Google is very suspect as being a government run corporation.
Google, Twitter, FB all have a vegan, anti-livestock, green energy agenda - including nukes.
Jeff Carlton Linkedin link not available... anyone else have that problem or a glitch on my end?
wiping linkedin... so hot right now