Bill Gates is Primary Funder of UK Medicine Regulator. Maine drops Mandate. New Dowd. Germany scraps 2M jabs. Beastiality in Video Games. Angel Studios needs top update it's recommendation page.
I'm going to dig into that infrasound link you provided that's a great one! I've been doing a bit of research on harmonic frequencies especially the Solfeggio ones and the potential destructive effects of the 11th harmonic, which sounds, depending on how you hear it, like either the opening sound to get dialed into AOL in times of old or like the Alien blast in the movie War of the Worlds. I notcied that Jeff Childers even mentioned these crowd mass heart attack/mass death events. I have suspected for a while that there is a multifactorial design in the Covid jabs: that they, plus an outside stresser which could be a 5G or radiation or sound blast, might be getting deployed. I am heartened by the movie Sound of Freedom getting attention, but I worry that as the movie didn't take on the very evil interests at the very top as being the root problem, that the narrative can be steered in hysterical directions, eg more money for foster care (even though that's where far more trafficking happens), more money for corrupt foundations, and more interest in tracking and tracing children for their benefit...
Baby steps regarding Sound of Freedom. Most people didn't even know it was a problem a week ago. I'm grateful progress is being made. We have more minds awakening every day.
I'm going to dig into that infrasound link you provided that's a great one! I've been doing a bit of research on harmonic frequencies especially the Solfeggio ones and the potential destructive effects of the 11th harmonic, which sounds, depending on how you hear it, like either the opening sound to get dialed into AOL in times of old or like the Alien blast in the movie War of the Worlds. I notcied that Jeff Childers even mentioned these crowd mass heart attack/mass death events. I have suspected for a while that there is a multifactorial design in the Covid jabs: that they, plus an outside stresser which could be a 5G or radiation or sound blast, might be getting deployed. I am heartened by the movie Sound of Freedom getting attention, but I worry that as the movie didn't take on the very evil interests at the very top as being the root problem, that the narrative can be steered in hysterical directions, eg more money for foster care (even though that's where far more trafficking happens), more money for corrupt foundations, and more interest in tracking and tracing children for their benefit...
Happy digging. I think there is something there.
Baby steps regarding Sound of Freedom. Most people didn't even know it was a problem a week ago. I'm grateful progress is being made. We have more minds awakening every day.