I have been taking Boron for a while but just started taking Borax. When “they” say something is bad it is usually good. Just always do the opposite and we should all be managing just fine. :)

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"When “they” say something is bad it is usually good. Just always do the opposite and we should all be managing just fine."

Never base your health decisions on what they say, whether you're doing what they recommend or the opposite of what they recommend. In this case, they're trying to dissuade you from using borax, presumably because it would compete with pharmaceuticals. Their scare tactics may be poorly reasoned, but does that automatically mean that it's safe? Not really. They're trying to scare off the easily fooled masses by using something that sounds alarming. Even if they know about the potential harm of aluminum that may be in borax, the last thing that they're going to do is raise an alarm about something that they put in the most holy of medical holies: vaccines.

Refer to my comment elsewhere here for more info.

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Caution is warranted with borax imo. I read about it and I was interested in its potential use for myself, but I wanted to do some investigating before I actually used it. My first potential issue is the fact that it's mined and not purified in any way. What else might be in there? Aluminum for one thing, given its abundance in the earth's crust. Not that this is conclusive, but these are things that I found related to aluminum and borax:

The company that we get most of our borax from actually sells it to pharmaceutical companies, after it's put through a refining process to "ensure low levels of elemental impurities". Is aluminum one of those? I don't know. So I did a search to find out if aluminum is in the soil in the area where borax is mined. I found an old geological survey that was done in a hot spring there and I found that yes, aluminum is there. Is it in a harmful form and is there enough of it? Its soluble form, Al3+, is definitely a problem, but I wasn't sure if this is the form that's found in dry earth and if what's there would be a problem in the digestive tract. Looking at the Royal Society of Chemistry's website, I'm inclined to believe that it's in the form of aluminum silicate. I then found in a comments section on Christopher Exley's substack that he says to avoid sodium aluminum silicate "at all costs". That's enough for me to reject laundry standard borax for ingestion AND laundry use (I wouldn't rely on the thoroughness of your standard washing machine's rinse cycle given the government's water-saving regulations; I saw first hand how ineffectual rinse cycles are. That's why I bought a Speed Queen).

My next question: is there borax that's been refined to remove aluminum? I found Prescribed For Life borax on Amazon that claims to be USP-NF, so I sent an email to the company asking if it's had any aluminum refined out of it. They couldn't be bothered to respond, so I definitely wouldn't use their product, either.

Given the information that I read about borax, it seems to me that boron is really the key to its usefulness, so why risk increasing the aluminum load in my body that I'm in the process of trying to reduce?

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Try Fiji water it contains silica that binds to aluminum thus eliminating it from the body. Epoch Times just did an interesting article on the process, has implications for Alzheimers and autism.

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That's where I started (Christopher Exley is the guy who discovered this process), and now I make my own using Dennis Crouse's method.


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Too bad the fella irradiates it with microwaves....I have also told Exley that his use of microwaves in his chemistry is not a good idea....I would stick to just a normal stovetop. Microwaves fuck up everything, including water.

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Exley doesn't make silica water and he doesn't believe that you CAN make it.

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Borax and aluminum aren't commonly located together because of differing modes of deposition. Aluminum is most commonly found in nature as an oxide or as a hydroxide, both of which are insoluble in water. Boron is highly soluble in water and in fact that is how it was deposited where it was. The aluminum being insoluble would have been deposited elsewhere. The reason they don't do any purification is because the borax deposits are incredibly pure to start with. Something around 95-99% depending on the deposit. The contaminants are typically various salts like you would find in sea water. The borax mined in the western US is extremely pure due to the conditions it was deposited under. That is why when it was discovered it was thought to be the only commercially profitable deposits in the world and indeed it was as the other deposits could no longer compete,

As for any aluminum that may be mixed in with the borax, it would be in a form that is biologically not possible to be turned into something dangerous. You would get a larger dose by going to the beach and playing in the sand and having a soda.

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"Borax and aluminum aren't commonly located together because of differing modes of deposition."

From Minerals Education Coalition:

“Aluminum is the most abundant metal element in the Earth’s crust. Bauxite ore is the main source of aluminum and contains the aluminum minerals gibbsite, boehmite, and diaspore.”

From 20 Mule Team Borax:

"Work at the mine was intense and physical. To extract bauxite ore from the underground mine and load it into an above ground ore car, a gas engine hoisted the ore up from the mining shaft in a 50-gallon whisky barrel."

"The contaminants are typically various salts like you would find in sea water."

Like these?:

"Aluminum salts have safely been used to adjuvant vaccines since the 1930s."

"As for any aluminum that may be mixed in with the borax, it would be in a form that is biologically not possible to be turned into something dangerous."

Christopher Exley:

"It remains one of the great paradoxes of life on Earth that the most abundant metal in the lithosphere, a metal which is unparalleled in the diversity of its chemical properties, has no biological function. THERE ARE FEW SATISFACTORY THEORIES TO EXPLAIN THIS PARADOX AND THE LEAST SATISFACTORY OF THESE HAS ATTEMPTED TO DEFINE ALUMINUM AND ITS COMPONENTS AS INERT FROM A BIOCHEMICAL STANDPOINT. NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH [emph added]. We need to take our collective heads out of the sand and accept that at all times the body burden of aluminum will be participating in some form of biochemistry and that at some point the level at which this biological activity is taking place may be manifested as a change in physiology which in turn may take the form of


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Go out into the world and find me some pure aluminum that is naturally occurring. I'll wait. Aluminum in its pure form isn't found in nature and the processes required to purify it from the states found naturally aren't biologically possible, If it were, we would find pure aluminum left behind by those biological processes like we find "bog iron". And the bonds are very strong, so strong that they require electric arc furnaces to break them and create pure aluminum. So, yes, it actually does make sense that aluminum is incredibly abundant and also non-existent in purified form in nature. Life sprung forth surrounded by aluminum in many of its natural states, It wasn't until it was purified that the problems started. Why? Because aluminum in its purified form is very reactive. But aluminum in its natural state has already reacted and thus isn't going to cause problems.

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For those who are following in order to inform your own choices, note a couple of things here:

Joe Dirt has made claims (most notably that boron and aluminum are not commonly found together) and he ignores the fact that I've provided links that demonstrate that he's wrong. He ignores this and moves on to other claims, providing no references in any of his posts. I'm here for understanding and I'm more than willing to consider new information that challenges my views, but these posts are not helpful imo, so I'm finished here.

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You provided no links, at best they are "quotes" without attribution. Follow up with some actual links that people can look at, otherwise your argument is moot. And the "other claims" without references are simple chemistry facts that can be verified easily with a simple google search of what I have said.

Let's take some other elements here and use the same processes. Sodium is a very toxic element and does very bad things to the human body. Chlorine is also a powerful poison that is incompatible with life in its pure form. But you put them together and you get salt which is absolutely necessary for life to exist. And you can eat it, within reason, and won't be poisoned. Why is that? Because the bonds between the sodium and chlorine are too strong to be broken by the body.

Aluminum is the same way. It bonds to other things tenaciously and can't be broken down by biological processes in the body to create pure aluminum. Go learn some chemistry and get back to me.

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Go chase some chemtrails.

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You know your argument is failing when you have to chase straw men.

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The government fights to ban all substances that ACTUALLY improve our health, and it fights for force us to be filled with pure POISON. And this goes way beyond greed. They want us miserable and then DEAD.


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Only for 100+ years.

Nicotine is another magical compound that has incredible healing powers.

Dr Brian Ardis goes into detail about it on a Mike Adams interview.

Some months ago.

Pretty incredible how EVIL TPTB are.

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Yes! Nicotine! Powerful. Extremely helpful substance. Many herbs/plants make good medicine. Plants are not always the best for FOOD (nutrition) but they can be excellent/real medicine.

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That's why homeopathy and natural solutions were pushed out of the west with the FLEXNOR Report in 1907 or so I believe.

Pushed us into the Rockefeller synthetic medical Reductionistic MD driven EVIL cartel.

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Yes. "Modern" medicine is PURE EVIL.

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I was diagnosed with bone-on-bone arthritis in my left knee last fall, and the orthopedic surgeon told me I'd need a knee replacement because the pain would only get worse.

Instead I started putting 1/8 tsp of Borax in my morning pot of coffee and getting back into the habit of going for a walk every day. I rarely limp any more and my knee rarely aches.

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I myself started taking a Boron supplement of 3 mg daily starting around 6 months ago. I had a serious health issue that improved slowly after beginning the Boron daily and it still continues to improve. Originally, before spending cash on health food store Boron I had thought of Borax but after Googling it was scared off, but 40 days ago I found out I had been lied to. I purchased a 4 lb. box of Borax for $8.00 Can. and that's a lifetime supply. Been ingesting small amounts of Borax for over a month and I feel fine.

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