Well if their going to have the audacity to try to arrest Musk they best reign the real biowarfare czar and self appointed health czar Bill Gates too. It seems Gates is a true superspreader of ‘hate speech’ and misinformation. What’s good for one billionaire should be good for another. Gates seems to be a master magician or does he just buy his rhetoric for a high price.

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These guys are dripping with desperation. You can smell the fear as their lies and deception reveal their terror of losing power. We must deal with their last-gasp attempts to retain power, which becomes the most violent and risky period. Stay Sharp!

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Sep 1Liked by Super Spreader

🕶️B A S E D🎯

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Sep 1Liked by Super Spreader

Lying has been their theme, what is sad is there’s people that believe them. If anybody even comes close to arresting Elon Musk for free speech, we are in deep trouble.

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Sep 1·edited Sep 1Liked by Super Spreader

The plan to censor before the election by temporarily arresting Musk and shutting down most sites like Truth?

I always suspected a manufactured event where they claim Trump is dead… then all media is censored that he is actually alive. Meanwhile people vote for Kennedy. lol. Idk. lol.

All I know is China wants a green agenda president. So I have always suspected a psy op to make Kennedy president somehow. I was thinking chaos election day so all candidates do not have enough EC votes. Then Congress picks Kennedy with the narrative that he’s an independent.

Now maga has adopted Kennedy … sooooo. Idk. Dems have a plan. Just speculation what the plan is.

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Sep 1Liked by Super Spreader

Robert Reich = short boy syndrome.

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Sep 2Liked by Super Spreader

THEY all seem to be following the lead of OUR DEAR LEADER HERE IN CANADA 🇨🇦, who definitely is in tbe pocket of those that want A GREEN AGENDA!!!! He fancies himself as the arbiter of TRUTH, as he judges everything through the purity of his own soul.

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Only tyrants want censorship.

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Stop reading lies and manipulation in The Guardian! End the Guardian because it seems to be driven by the insane WEF tyrants.

Why would anyone have agreed to take part in a dangerous invasive experimental injection, particularly when only limited safety data was suspiciously created (IN HOUSE) by the manufacturers?

Why would anyone take part in an invasive medical 'Experiment' created in just a few short months?

Why would anyone accept an unknown substance being inserted into their body which is made by a company that denies ALL LIABILITY for injuries or/and DEATHS caused by their injections?

Why would anyone now trust the US FDA when Pig Pharma contribute vastly to their budget?

It seems there are plenty of mugs on the planet who did! Many died as a direct result. Many endured LONG TERM ILLNESSES, SIDE EFFECTS and life impacting debilitation.

Many recipients think they 'got away with' no adverse medical impact on their health and wellbeing. They will learn to realise that the new trend of increasing medical conditions will catch up with their stupidity in the fullness of time. Symptoms like Blood Clots, Turbo Cancers, Heart conditions, etc, have since become everyday expressions.

From pre-covid jabs and post Covid jab data, the UK is currently experiencing an 8% increase in 'Excess Deaths'. A 1% or 2% increase used to be regarded as serious but 8% strangely fails to make news?

The best that 'Experimental Vax' recipients can expect is an unknown reduction in Life Expectancy!

Good luck all who failed to investigate before taking part in the Big Pharma's money making CULL!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) I'll live longer because I joined the dots!)

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Sep 2Liked by Super Spreader

They’d be in a mess if they “mess” with Elon. He holds the cards in his hands… Starlink, rescuing stranded astronauts, etc. Elon would, I’m sure, make his ire known if they try anything. He’s another guy with major cajones and plenty of testosterone!

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What they are not saying about Pavel Durov's arrest should scare the hell out of everyone using any form of messaging, social media or cellular phone. They arrested him because they cannot read what is sent via his app. That means, they are reading everything else written everywhere. Texts, phone calls, messages on any of the various platforms all get "read" or listened to see that you are being servile to them. Make no mistake, when you hear about a terrorist in a 3rd world hellhole getting droned or shot in the face, it is because of SIGINT and if they can do it there, they can absolutely do it here. Eavesdropping on a landline takes warrants based on probable cause, pulling radio signals out of the ether requires no such bothersome efforts. And what they are doing to terrorists now they will do to you at the drop of a hat in order to preserve their hold on power.

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