I'm in Canada (far-far-far-left Vancouver). I call local specialty cook's store for a baking item. Guy on phone says it's out of stock. Adds (unbidden) with some urgency, "We're in a crisis(!). Covid is coming back(!). We can't get things."
Uh...okay...I asked for random baking-item X, not for your expert global public-health analysis. But, yeah, sure...
I'm in Canada (far-far-far-left Vancouver). I call local specialty cook's store for a baking item. Guy on phone says it's out of stock. Adds (unbidden) with some urgency, "We're in a crisis(!). Covid is coming back(!). We can't get things."
Uh...okay...I asked for random baking-item X, not for your expert global public-health analysis. But, yeah, sure...
"Thanks very much! Bye-bye" I chirp.