(2022-07-26) SPECIAL: Australian gynecologist Dr. Luke McLindon fired before releasing data showing miscarriage rate of (50% - 74%) in women post-vaccination. [killJAB]
Developing Story: Australian gynecologist Dr. Luke McLindon has been keeping stats since the introduction of the vaccine, found that (50% - 74%) of women who are vaccinated are now having miscarriages
I post updates at end of the article:
2022-07-26 - Telegram reports of Dr. claiming 74%
2022-07-27 - Email Response
2022-08-20 - Going to Court
2022-08-22 - Interview
2022-08-22 - Doctors Against Mandates Panel → 48%
2022-08-22 - Dr. Luke CV info
I have stayed on this story and have continually updated this article because I feel like miscarriage data could be the thing to break through the mass formation. Every mother in the world that hears the JAB has a 48% chance of inducing miscarriage won’t have to think about it logically anymore, they will understand emotionally. Tell a mother that half of her grandchildren won’t be born if her kids keep getting jabbed and I bet the “safe and effective” delusion dissolves pretty quick.
Bad miscarriage data - 2022-07-26
I saw this on Liberty Beacon discussed in a video and started digging. SuperSally mentions it in her article.
from SuperSally’s article:
Dr. McLindon is quoted as having said that he is seeing pregnancy losses in up to 74% of the vaccinated women in his practice. This is 4.6 to 14.8 times higher than typical normal rates of loss which range from 5 to 16% (58 - 69% above typical losses). We must also note that he sees women who have managed to get and stay pregnant long enough to see a doctor. His data does not reflect failure to get pregnant or very early losses.
From Liberty Beacon:
McLindon has been the principal investigator for a series of random controlled trials; he’s the president of the Australian Institute for Restorative Reproductive Medicine. And he’s just been sacked (ER: a couple of links for him have evidently been altered in a google search). Why? Apparently for not getting vaccinated, but he was also trying to release data on miscarriage rates post-vaccination. He has one week to get out of his office. McLindon has been investigating miscarriages in couples post-vaccination. The normal miscarriage rate is anything from 5% to 16%, but since the rollout of the vaccination, his data are telling him that 74% (seventy four) of vaccinated women are having miscarriages. Which explains why hospitals want to deal directly with crematoria, bypassing funeral directors, when dealing with dead babies. According to O’Looney, vans are taking multiple babies directly to crematoria and the common thread is vaccinated mothers.
Telegram Link (might be original source?)
So I went to the Brisbane rally today and I met a Dr Called Dr Luke McLindon. - ARISE AUSTRALIA telegram
[tg-app] [tg-web] [tg-web-archive-01] [tg-web-archive-02] [screenshot]
Fertility Issues; Senior Australian Dr. Reported to have been Sacked for Refusing C-19 Jab and for Trying to Publish Data Showing that 74% of Vaccinated Women in His Practice Suffer Miscarriage. | supersally substack
Doctor who monitored miscarriages in women pre- and post-cv substance jab and found they increased, gets sacked | Waikanae Watch
John O’Looney Update on Infant Deaths, Funerals & Miscarriage Rate | Liberty Beacon
[link] [archive] [video] [screenshot]
Dr Luke McLindon, fertility specialist at Brisbane’s Mater hospital has collected data which reveals a disturbing 74% miscarriage post inject. In an attempt to silence him he was fired last Friday!! - twitter
[link] [archive] [archive-2] [screenshot]
UPDATE: (2022-09-07) This tweet above has been deleted. Odd. Wonder who is requesting the deletion?
Dr Luke McLindon, fertility specialist at Brisbane’s Mater hospital has collected data which reveals a disturbing 74% miscarriage post inject. In an attempt to silence him he was fired last Friday!! - twitter
[link] [archive] [archive-2] [screenshot]
UPDATE: (2022-09-07) This tweet above has been deleted. Odd. Wonder who is requesting the deletion? Screen grab below.
I've just called Dr Luke McLindon's office to confirm some details, yesterday morning when I called it was before office hours, his name was still on the recording, today I called during office hours and his name is removed receptionist said he is no longer working there… - twitter

Dr Luke McLindon has been sacked on Friday, an Australian Dr for not taking the jab. Dr says 74% of women vaxxed are having miscarriages. This report says. - twitter

Dr. McLindon:
Dr. Luke McLindon is President of the Australasian Institute for Restorative Reproductive Medicine.
Dr Luke McLindon - airrm.org.au (Australasian Institute for Restorative Reproductive Medecine)
Gynaecology Dr Luke McLindon, Specialty: Gynaecology, Clinical Interests: Advanced laparoscopic surgery (materhealth online - archived cv) - materhealth (now only available @ archive.org)
Everything I found so far is here. Hopefully we will hear some news from Dr. McLindon soon.
Remember that Pfizer’s own data shows a 78% child mortality rate, which is consistent with what Dr. McLindon reports. Pfizer only reported results for a small sample (36) mysteriously losing contact with the remaining 234. But the numbers they did report show that of the 36 pregnancies with known outcomes 28 ended with baby death. It seems the profession of Lab Rat is very dangerous for unborn children.
Which is worse for miscarriage? Smoking or the toxic Jiggle Juice Jab?
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Miscarriage and Maternal Exposure to Tobacco Smoke During Pregnancy (2014) Beth L. Pineles, Edward Park, and Jonathan M. Samet
The summary relative risk for miscarriage among female smokers using only crude relative risk ratios was 1.27 (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.18, 1.37; n = 35 studies)
If the normal rate of miscarriage is 14% and Dr McLindon found a rate of 50% amongst the jabbed, for the jabbed the relative risk of miscarriage is 3.57 (50% ÷ 14% = 3.57) compared to the unjabbed 14% group. You are 3.57x as likely to have a miscarriage if you got a jab compared to unjabbed.
Compared to smoking: 3.57 ÷ 1.27 = 2.81
The jab is 2.81x worse than smoking.
EMAIL RESPONSE: (2022-07-27 @19:00 EST)
I reached out to Dr. McLindon at DoctorsAgainstMandates and received a response from a colleague.
I have forwarded your email. It’s important the data gets published, at least as preprint or will be discredited before it sees the light of day. The miscarriage rate was 50% for all comers, the 74% concerned close vaccination around time of conception
I asked if it was ok to post the response and was told it’s ok, with a bit more:
You can say that amongst high risk pregnancy after vaccines started 19 of 38 had a miscarriage (50%) vs around 14% pre vaccine (40 people from memory). There appears to be a relationship with the proximity of vaccination to conception that may elevate the risk further to around 74% but this data is preliminary and is in process of being published.
This is certainly bad, 50% compared to 14%, but, good news, not as bad as 74% for EVERY jabbed pregnancy. Relationship of jab proximity to conception is interesting. I wonder if the jab status and proximity to conception of the father is also considered in his data?
GOING TO COURT: (2022-08-20 @21:00 EST)
Dr. McLindon is back in the news. Seems him and several other doctors are taking their terminations to Australia’s Supreme Court.
Prominent Australian Physician-Investigator Sacked by Major Hospital for Views on COVID-19 Vaccines Fights in Supreme Court
from TrialSite, TrialSite Staff, Aug. 19, 2022, 4:00 p.m.
Do doctors have the right to quote research results... What if the data is the result from their own research or real-world care?... The answer: increasingly no
Dr. Luke McLindon, a prominent physician who went on the record claiming that the COVID-19 vaccines are linked to miscarriages... was terminated from Mater Hospital a couple of months ago, and he has gone on the record as to some of the details of his sacking from the Brisbane-based hospital.
Dr. McLindon and several other physicians have taken their terminations to court in the hope of securing justice, which they now pursue in Australia’s Supreme Court.
Dr. McLindon served as the President of the Australian Institute for Restorative Reproductive Medicine.
The specialist obstetrician and gynecologist worked at Mater for 13 years as the research lead of the fertility services unit at the hospital.
What if Dr. McLindon wasn’t actually terminated due to the vaccine mandate policy? Perhaps, he was actually terminated for investigating potential safety issues with the COVID-19 vaccines, including miscarriages?
According to the Brisbane Times report, chatter online associated with a growing anti-COVID-19 vaccine movement suggests this was the real reason for the removal.
McLindon’s cited his own research on how “high-risk patient populations for infertility and recurrent miscarriage have historically been at 12 to 15% miscarriage rate.”
“Of the patients I treated in the seven months…I found those unvaccinated shared a historically low miscarriage rate of 13% in comparison to those who have been vaccinated prior to conception, who shared a miscarriage rate in excess of 70%.”
TrialSite references this Brisbane Times article:
Brisbane doctor details how he came to be sacked by major hospital
Glad the good Doctor is standing up for himself. Praying he prevails, gets his job back and is able to share his data.
Dr. McLindon Interview (2022-08-22 @20:00 EST)
Get it while it’s fresh, only 240 views.
It’s on the RoyalAustralian channel which has other interviews that are also worth exploring.
AMPS EVENT: (2022-08-22 @23:00 EST)
Found another, a lecture at the Doctors Against Mandates Event held August 17th. He discusses his data in this video. He found a 48% miscarriage rate. (30 of 62) post-jab pregnancies ended in miscarriage. Go to 16:30 in the video for the miscarriage data.
Some info about Dr. Luke:
First from here:
Luke graduated from Medicine at the University of Qld, in 1997. As a rural GP, Luke was challenged by couples facing the very real prospect of childlessness. With very little to offer in primary care, he undertook training in all the Fertility Awareness Methods, which ultimately led to further specialist training as an Obstetrician & Gynaecologist. More recently subspecialising in advanced laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis and fertility restoring surgery, completing his AGES Fellowship in 2016. He leads the Fertility Services unit at Mater Health in Brisbane, and is the Principal Investigator for a series of associated randomised controlled trials.
He is the President of the Australasian Institute for Restorative Reproductive Medicine
Second from here:
Dr Luke McLindon is passionate about offering surgical care for women experiencing pelvic pain or infertility. These are both very common conditions and often remain a problem for women. He offers advanced minimal scar surgical techniques to address these issues. Dr McLindon graduated in 1997, and has since done specialist training in both general practice and obstetrics and gynaecology. More recently he has undertaken an AGES Laparoscopic Surgery Fellowship with the aim of providing the best minimal access surgery possible to his patients, with a particular experince in surgery for infertility. He is actively involved in and leads clinical research, looking at ways to enhance a couple's ability to conceive. He is trained in all methods of fertility awareness and utilises this with the aim of realising a couple's dream in achieving a successful pregnancy.
Third from here:
Dr Lucas McLindon
Graduated from Medicine at the University of Qld, 1997. A rural GP for 10 years, then undertook specialist training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, before doing an Advanced Surgical Fellowship. More recently subspecialising in advanced laparoscopic surgery for complicated endometriosis and fertility restoring surgery. Until recently he lead the Fertility Services unit and was co-Lead of the Advanced Laparoscopic Gynaecology surgical service at Mater Health in Brisbane. The Principal Investigator for a series of randomised controlled clinical trials for infertility and recurrent miscarriages that just finished recruiting during 2021. Is the Principal Investigator for the first randomised clinical trial in Australia using Ivermectin in acute COVID since it’s restriction in Sep 2021.
[GETTR] [GAB] [Truth] [Brighteon] [Telegram]
Hi - I'm the Program Director for the Pfizer Documents Analysis Project at DailyClout.io (https://dailyclout.io/category/campaigns/pfizer-documents-analysis/). Are you able to help me reach Dr. McLindon to set up an interview with him? His research supports what we've been reporting on for months, and I'd like to give another platform to him since he's also raising the alarm. I can be reached at amy at dailyclout dot io. Thank you so much!
Thanks to all of you. I am unvaxxed and was terminated (even though I am in the zoom class who hadn't been to the office un two years). I also had three miscarriages long before this. Mothers who want to be pregnant do not willingly do anything that harms their growing baby. The loss is with you for life. Though I can imagine that stillbirth would be even more horrifying. Thank you.