Wuhan 2019. Moar Dr. SADS. Lawsuits. 15% new condition. LA mask rejection. Novajab Herbal. German Hot Water. Food Wars. Argentina next? FBI told to exaggerate domestic terrorism threat. DARPA. OANN.
RE Megan Fathers: I'm not gloating or blaming, but I'd be very interested to know why she got the killshot. Her own stated, pre-jab bio LOOKS LIKE an awake, nature-aware person (daily walks with children, chickens, adventures, vegetable garden...) who you might think wouldn't be living in fear. Plus, she worked from home (so it's unclear if her job mandated the jab). Not judging; just observing.
RE Megan Fathers: I'm not gloating or blaming, but I'd be very interested to know why she got the killshot. Her own stated, pre-jab bio LOOKS LIKE an awake, nature-aware person (daily walks with children, chickens, adventures, vegetable garden...) who you might think wouldn't be living in fear. Plus, she worked from home (so it's unclear if her job mandated the jab). Not judging; just observing.