I am grateful for Gratitude. Gratitude boosts endorphins to produce a euphoric rush. It can boost oxytocin, the love drug (like rubbing the ears of cats). It can boost seratonin to make you happy and calm. It activates the brainstem to produce dopamine. It boosts the immune system, lowers stress and blood pressure. Thank you, Gratitude.

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A few hours after your comment Dr. Mercola's newsletter arrived with this article:

"Attitude of Gratitude Can Help You Live a Longer, Happier Life"


• People who are thankful for what they have are better able to cope with stress, are happier, and better able to reach their goals

• Gratitude is associated with improved health, producing a number of measurable effects on various biological systems

• One way to harness the positive power of gratitude is to keep a gratitude journal, where you actively write down what you’re grateful for each day




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