Who would want to step foot in a Country that was ruled by anti Christian, anti free speech totalitarians. I don’t have family there and used to love going to the UK. It would break my heart to see it now.
OH! SO THIS IS THE NEW TOURISM UK CAMPAIGN, IS IT...? Hmmm, 🤔 warm beer, cold rooms & no White people allowed to criticize The Jihad? Ooo! Let's put on V for Vendetta again! I TOLD YOU it was prophetic!!! 🤣🤣🤣
No problem for me. I will not leave USA. BROTAIN COMMITTED SUICIDE WHEN THEY LET THE FIRST INDIAN IN. President DJT and his merry band of freedom loving folks is THE ONLY THING standing between Humanity and the Satanic left, all of whom are certifiable
lol they think we might come to the U.K.
I spose those in business may need to go there, for business? Lots of people travel out of need. I hope there is a UK after all this.
Who would want to step foot in a Country that was ruled by anti Christian, anti free speech totalitarians. I don’t have family there and used to love going to the UK. It would break my heart to see it now.
Why would I want to go to that shit hole?
It’s ok I wouldn’t want to visit the UK anyway. Megan Markle ruined that for me years ago!
I’ve been reading about the awful things happening there- so awful. 😢Thanks for the warning. The global cabal has been pushing the same agenda here.
Fkk the Uk then
W Evan just wait until heil staermer get mauled on #10
OH! SO THIS IS THE NEW TOURISM UK CAMPAIGN, IS IT...? Hmmm, 🤔 warm beer, cold rooms & no White people allowed to criticize The Jihad? Ooo! Let's put on V for Vendetta again! I TOLD YOU it was prophetic!!! 🤣🤣🤣
No problem for me. I will not leave USA. BROTAIN COMMITTED SUICIDE WHEN THEY LET THE FIRST INDIAN IN. President DJT and his merry band of freedom loving folks is THE ONLY THING standing between Humanity and the Satanic left, all of whom are certifiable
🪦England we kicked your ass 250 years ago and bailed your asses out you dont deserve to survive you did it to yourself fuckem
UK is now U Saudi K
Who’d visit that shit hole. I can drive 5 miles down the freeway to Dallas n see the same filth. Cost-free.
Been to that shithole before and not going back