Had not even heard about this but it sounds sketchy…

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Of course X supports it. X is set up for being the “everything app” including getting “biometric data”. Read its Terms (many other companies have “biometric data” collection too actually).

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Can we trust Elon. I can’t say that I do.

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I think parents need to start taking responsibility for their kids. They should be the ones ensuring their kids don’t go online until they are mature enough to make responsible decisions. I know several parents who are homeschooling their children and none of them have a device to get on the internet yet. It’s definitely not as simple as that but parents do need to be more involved with their kids lives across all spectrums.

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If this is true, it seems like Profits come before scruples or ethics!

Insanity rules! Keep 'ZERO LIABILITY' for Pharma's DEADLY mRNA jabs until 2030 and Adolf Schwab's depopulation target might be met = The Great Cull!

This proves Biden has nothing to do with US Policies - Maybe Obama was working for the WEF?

So, my next Tee shirt will have a slogan "Stop 'shedding' poison 'mRNA Vax' - you're contagious"!

There's none so naive, gullible, misinformed, easily led and stupid than WOKE 'intellectuals'!

Many have no idea that these 'EXPERIMENTAL' mRNA injections are designed to limit or reduce the world's population unless they are some of the chosen ones who will have declined the Shot!

LIABILITY for Pharma will end this world wide CULL of humanity. No more jabs until 'LIABILITY'.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll live longer without corrupt medics injecting poisons for reward!

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I’m afraid there’s not much to lose on X. The horse already left the barn years ago, because X still runs the same secret mass censorship system that it inherited from Twitter. That system is improperly hiding probably millions of innocuous replies every day, even those of paying customers.

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