Double execution

..gates and fauci

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Send them both to Putin to deal with, since he does want Fauci for crimes against humanity, send them both. USA is too corrupt. At least in a Russian prison, they shouldn't so easily be able to pay their way out or fake suicides.

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Hhmmm, confined in Siberia/housed amongst the Methane Holes maybe appropriate.

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There's a reason Fauci’s pardon was backdated to 2014... to protect DR. EVIL from prosecution since he took illegal Gai. of Function research to Wuhan lab!! Crimes agai st humanity and he should be charged!

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You should delete

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Pure evil

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Respect for Jillian!

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Trump had Gates over for dinner, we get a FAKE PETITION against the Only Person on the planet that could save us from the mRNA poison and another DEATH JAB for 500 Billion. Yet, Alex keeps kissing Trumps feet.

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Don't be stupid, this is a game of chess, you must beat your opponent strategically, not stupidly. THINK!! will ya?

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Stupid is defending someone who is the admitted Father of the Clot Shot that has killed or maimed millions of American's, including children ,voting for Trump again and defending Death by jab 2.0. Defending this evil by your delusional stance that he is playing 5D Chess is insane. Your kind of thinking is going to destroy our nation.

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Dear Jean,

Think beyond . . . 5D Game Play is Occurring. Think about the soccer

ball passed onto Trump several years ago in front of a worldwide coverage.

Grit your teeth, keep smiling. In the the meantime, listen to your gut instinct and never give in to your Grubberment . . . The game shall unfold.

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I do not go on gut instincts, evidence and their fruits is the only things that should be considered. You have been had, there is NO 5D Chess, just the Globalist Agenda that Trump has signed on to.

Anyone with a brain knows(as well as the inventor of mRNA, Dr. Malone) that another mRNA jab will bring more death and injuries. Wake Up!

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They are just mad that RFK IS CALLING THEM OUT! They have been actively trying to poison us, the people that are below them, remember the extra eaters they don't want to survive or reproduce.?

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Not worthy of living in their elitist minds!!

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Critical timing for exposure!

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