I direct you to Micheal Yon in his substack. He is boots on the ground in Holland They were hoodwinked by the REPTILE BRAIN BOUGHT OFF GLOBALIST WHORES like many. BBB means what? My Dad is 90 year old who lived through 5 years of German occupied Holland as a child Mom also. She's 89. Both still here and communicating with friends who are…
They were hoodwinked by the REPTILE BRAIN BOUGHT OFF GLOBALIST WHORES like many.
BBB means what?
My Dad is 90 year old who lived through 5 years of German occupied Holland as a child
Mom also.
She's 89.
Both still here and communicating with friends who are now going to loose their ancestral farms .
Dad is stunned he says that now again they voluntarily are walking into to the cattle cars as did Dutch Jews he knew while the Germans starved out the Dutch in 1939 .
It worked on 2 of my uncles who died of starvation
Again I'm not saying it ,Michael Yon is there and has been for some time.
I direct you to Micheal Yon in his substack.
He is boots on the ground in Holland
They were hoodwinked by the REPTILE BRAIN BOUGHT OFF GLOBALIST WHORES like many.
BBB means what?
My Dad is 90 year old who lived through 5 years of German occupied Holland as a child
Mom also.
She's 89.
Both still here and communicating with friends who are now going to loose their ancestral farms .
Dad is stunned he says that now again they voluntarily are walking into to the cattle cars as did Dutch Jews he knew while the Germans starved out the Dutch in 1939 .
It worked on 2 of my uncles who died of starvation
Again I'm not saying it ,Michael Yon is there and has been for some time.
Follow him because he,explains it.
He does actual JOURNALISM .
I'm a big fan of Michael Yon. He tells it like it is.
Please share a link here to his substack to help others find it.